Colorado Units 7/8 3rd Season Rifle Deer

Well now it is time for all the questions to start coming up about everybobys units they drew. Well i'm one of them that needs some help and advice from fellow hunters. I drew the 3rd season rifle deer tag for units 7 & 8. Has anyone hunted these units recently or in the past that would be willing to share some info? Any help would be greatly appreciated! :)
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That's not a quality area and from what I know it is going downhill. I have a friend that hunts there almost every year and we spend some time across the line in Wyoming (I live in Wyo) so I know it pretty well. I had a muzz tag there a few years ago and it wasn't too good. The deer seem to be scarce and access is also tough.

Be sure to have a good map and stay on the public lands or where you have permission.

If you hunt hard, you could find a big buck. But you will be fighting the odds. It's great country and quality habitat, but it has not come back since the DOW hammered the deer due to CWD.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. Hope you find a big one and bust him.