Coming Soon, N/T Ut General Archery 211" buck photos

Hey Ya'll!

It sounds like the success stories keep on rollin' in! Its something about this time of year that just gets my blood a pumpin'! The hunt is over for me, yet I am still anxious as ever to get out and go start looking at next years crop......if they make it through the hunt. It never hurts to tag along and help friends and family fill their tags too! My brother tagged out the second morning with a 33" wide 6X8 that green scored a hair over 211". I'll get the photo's on here as soon as I get the OK from him. But maybe at least I can get madness to post a pic of my fair archery buck (a 24" 4x5) from the next day. Keep those success stories coming and good luck on the up coming and present hunts!
I'll let "Shedhunter" fill you in on the details when he gets a chance.
But all I can say is WOW!! This family knows where and how to hunt. :)" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
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I have to start off apologizing for the picture quality! They are digital photo's of paper photos so the quality is poor! The top pic is of my dad, my brother, and I. These are our bucks that were harvested on the general statewide archery hunt in Southern Utah. From left to right it goes like this: My dads buck recovered Labor Day, is a 27" 4x6 that green scored about 184". He hasnt bow hunted in 30 years, and this buck isn't bad for his first archery hunt in 30 years! The next is the 211" N/T that this post is about. There will be better pics soon, but this one will have to do for now! It is 33" wide (28" main frame) and has 8 points on his right antler and 6 on his left. My brother killed this buck. The next is my 24" 4x5. He had a little inline point or he would have walked another year. It doesn't happen this good every year, but talk about memories that will last a lifetime! My buck is the second pic and my dads is the bottom. Just an interesting, almost unbelievable sidenote: all three bucks were killed a mear 160 yards apart! Hard to believe, I know. You'd have to be there to believe it! Anyways, pretty good year for my family! Now Mom and my lil sis have the stage for the upcoming rifle hunt!
Great hunt Shedhunter!!!! Sure is nice when everything goes as planned ay? The tough part will be topping this seasons success!