Cool article on Big Game Transplants in Utah

Cool article here if interested...
Funding for transplants in Utah comes almost entirely from the state's hunting conservation permit program. That program, which allows hunting conservation groups to auction select hunting tags to the highest bidder, raised $2.9 million on 353 permits in 2008.
Thanks to all involved. I have been able to help on some of these transplants. it is cool to help instead of just sitting on the sidelines complaining. I will be helping on a bison transplant and a bighorn sheep transplant next month.
Good job Pro, would be a fun/cool project for sure.
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I grew up helping my Dad (he was a biologist for the DWR) and I have helped on numerous transplant operations here in Utah. I was there when the goats were released on the Tusher's, and the Moose on the Fishlake. I helped with the first turkey transplants from Texas, etc, etc.

I will second what PRO said. Get involved and help in these programs. I hear so many people complain about the UDWR and the dire situations Utah is headed for. Being raised by a wildlife biologist, it bugs me to hear about what the DWR isn't doing for hunters here in Utah. If you just take a look at all the transplants that have been made in the past and realize how fortunate we are to have all these different species to watch and (maybe) hunt.

My Dad retired a few years ago, and even he gets upset at some of the decisions being made regarding wildlife (esp the elk). However, that is part of the whole picture here in Utah and if the complainers don't get off their hinnys and pitch in, then they are to blame more than the DWR.

I hope this doesn't come across as a negative post. No offense intended. I'm just tired of hearing all the complaining. I'll get off the soapbox now. Whew!
