Corn to bait
9/16/08 1:45pm
I was thinking of baiting with c'mere deer and corn for whitetail and mule. Just wondering what kind of corn to use? Can I just use unpopped popping corn?
I see you are not getting a straight answer that you where looking for.
I grew up in the Rockies, I have never baited, nor has anyone I ever hunted with ever used bait/Salt/Minerals…etc. Deer love corn, and other grains, they enjoy sweet feed and Alpha, you can set up near a corn field or alpha field and HUNT them, but baiting them is not done by Western hunters We hunt in the West, not shoot over baited stands, that is something done on the East Coast.
Best of Luck
I know in states back east and south they hunt over feeders, baited fields, etc for whitetail. I have never seen or heard of hunting mule deer at all over bait of any kind. Most mule deer hunting in the west is done via spot and stalk or learning thier daily habits and posting yourself in a spot in which you can watch thier daily movements from beds to feed to water and back again. Deer are habitual and learning thier patterns is one key to a successful hunt. If you're hunting mule deer in open country, spot and stalk with good optics is normally the way to go. Watch the wind, use the land and folds therein to your advantage, and learn were the nearest watering holes are and you are a step ahead of the game.
Good luck!
Why do you think Texas uses Feeders for a management tool? It's because a lot of it is flat and most won't get off their ATV's, High Motion Stands and hike the flats. I guess I can't blame them for not wanting to walk through thorn bushes :)) To each his own on what they believe as long as it's legal. Just because I'm not for it doesn't make it wrong. That's why I love it out west where others share my views.