Cougar in the neighbor hood.

Check this story/video out...
I'll bet that girl was surprised!!!! I sure as heck would have been. Good to see that no one got hurt too.
Nice, right "in our own back yard" too. hehehe, imagine sneaking up on that thing in your window well!?!? WHAAAA!!
Thats crazy last year there was one that came down to my kids school here in herriman and was wondering they never caught it but they had to keep the kids in from recess for two days just to be safe
Hey Brett,

Thanks for posting this story. I tried to post it last week but our local paper in Eagle Mountian didn't have the story in their online version of the paper and I wasn't about to type it all.

The same day that cougar was running around my neighborhood out here, there was a second one that the DWR was called out to get in Payson. Apparently the cougar had gone into someones open garage. The homeowner shut the garage door and waited for the DWR to come. I'll bet that was one agitated cat.

There is a golf course fairway between my house and the neighbor hood that had the cougar in the window well. Not sure if it is the same cat or not but we've seen a cougar out on the fairway. I've lived out here for eight years and seen or heard of six sightings in the neighbor hood. Plenty of fox, coyote, rattlers, tarantuals, scorpions, and crazed jack rabbits to go along with the cougars.