Cougar or Bear?

Would you rather shoot a cougar or a bear in your life if you could only do it once and had to choose one?
I've always wanted a cougar myself.
I've killed some bear. They are a blast to hunt, especially spot & stalk. I would like to shoot a big tom someday.
I've killed two kittys, so I voted for bear. I plan on hunting black and brown bears in the near future.
I have hunted grizzly and black bears in Alaska killed a black bear but struck out on the grizz.

I have always wanted a mt lion qnd hopefully soon i will get one.
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I want to get a Cougar with my bow.
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I would have to go with a lion. All the bears I have been around stink :)) Still, I told hubby that if HE ever got a chance at a jet black bear I would like one for a rug. =D>
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i dunno... guess I dont get excited over cougar... they are nothing but a nusiance to be shot when seen around town or your property... if they are young.. 1 to 4 years old.. they are very dangerous as they are
stupid... and fearless... bad combination.... the older ones know to go deep and stay away from man.

a bear is well...special, yea they stink but thats what the car wash is for... Bunji Cord that sucker down in the bed of your truck and drive him thru...dont forget the extras like wax n rain x .... lol
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I would like both but if i had to choose 1 it would be a bear
I would love to have a cougar hunt some day. I am going to work on that..... :-k