Couple a 3 punks

Glad they got caught...
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They got off to easy. It hurts all of us when people like this poach.
The $1800 these guys got charged is essentially the equivalent of a non-resident once-in-a-lifetime tag ($1513 for moose, sheep, bison, etc.). That's WAY TOO easy in my opinion, these kinds of punishments need to be far stiffer to deter the behavior. With the amount of cash being thrown around the hunting world right now $1800 is NOTHING!
On a side note, I spent a rifle hunt on the Books 3 years ago and these bucks poached are far bigger than anything we saw!
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I was going to say the same exact thing as you off way too easy. $1,000 isn't a fine, it's a permit fee. If they wanted to make it a fine, add another zero!
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Like others have said, that's not a very hefty charge at all... I wish it'd be much steeper.
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No kidding $1800 is nothing. I guess a ten year suspension isn't bad but if they've done it once what's to keep them from doing it again I guess.
The picture of the second guy, with that punk @$$ smile, says it all for me. They have probably done this before and got away with it. They just got caught this time.

In my opinion trophy poaching should be a one and done deal. It is done knowingly and against all rules, therefore they should be held accountable for their choice. All hunting and fishing privileges should be revoked for a substantial amount of time.
Good for whoever turned them in. I agree, the fine should be steeper. I was glad to see the loss of hunting privelages for 10 and five years. I hope they have learned there lesson.
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I'm glad to see someone spoke up and they got caught.