Couple New Home Brew Builds
7/13/12 9:01am
Just finished building these 2 new HOME BREW's.
These are going to end of being my new favorites, these things are tiny at only 4" in height and 5" width.
Can't wait to get them set up in the field. May end up trying to do some cheap camp job on them also?
These are going to end of being my new favorites, these things are tiny at only 4" in height and 5" width.
Can't wait to get them set up in the field. May end up trying to do some cheap camp job on them also?
Can't wait to see the pictures.
One question. While setting them up how do you know where the target area is at?
Pelican 1010 Case - $10.00
SSII Control Board - 49.95
Battery for SSII - $5.00
AR Glass - $4.00
Foam $2.00 -
Servo Wires Needed - $6.00
Sony S600 Used Camera - $50
4 Rechargeable Batteries/Charger - $20.00
(camera only needs 2 of them)
2 GB Memory Card - $8.00
Total Cost: Around $155.00 Dollars (does not include shipping)
* Sometimes you can find the used camera for cheaper than 50 bucks, but I don't really like paying more than that.
* These are cheaper than the cams I use to build, more compact, and take just a good as pictures, and last just as long in the field.
* Hope to have some pics for you guys at the end of the summer
Image Size = 2816 x 2112.
Has an awesome flash range/capacity.
Night shot (click for full size)