couple rutting bucks
The Ox
11/22/07 11:52am
went out spottin last night and found these!wish i could have gotten a better pic of the 5 pt but he was not the posing type but he is a 5x5 about 26-27 wide. the other is a 3x4 i could not figure out what he was looking at and i could not get him to turn around then that 5x5 came into view and i figured it out pretty quick! i seen some others but they were a little to far out for camera shots but just a couple decent four points nothing to special and the other pic is mine and my gfs antelope we shot on our property she shot hers at 250 wiht her first shot and after a couple missed shot i finally dumped mine at 400 yards it was fun and glad to share the memory with her we had an awesome time!¤t=deerlope074.jpg¤t=deerlope079.jpg¤t=deerlope058.jpg
Man, that buck in the first pic is great too!
How much property do you guys own?
well i went back and found the 5x5 again got some more pics working on putting them up hes not huge but cool looking! i will post them in a few days i did not bring my camera to my moms and its the only place i have net access at the moment