Cow Hunt-Blue Mountain, Vernal

I realize that it is not in good taste to ask, but here it is. I drew a tag for Blue Mountain, Vernal hunt (which starts on October 9th). This is my first rifle hunt, not to mention hunting in the area.
I am not asking for any honey holes, but anything to get me started. I am doing this solo in a Honda Civic... it's okay to laugh, it's on my short list. My wife is still in school and we are living on one income. I have been archery hunting the extended range mostly, and have some experience in N. Cache, S. Cache areas.
Thanks for any help or suggestions.
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It's getting down to the wire. I am leaving for Vernal right after class on Friday and will be searching for a campsite and starting point for my cow hunt. Any suggestions? Vernal-Blue Mountain. I am thinking somewhere south of Flaming Gorge, and possibly a little west.
Help my out if you can.
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I hiked the thickest brush and any time I would go more than a mile, I ran into an ATV trail. That's how it goes when you don't have a truck or ATV. The good news is that the 'ol Honda civic didn't get stuck, but I didn't see a single elk either. I ran into a guy on the road and he said he just saw 17 head of cows on an old logging road... Maybe hiking isn't the best option. Hope I have better luck next weekend.

The learning curve is long, with a lot of twists.
well i do not know that blue mountain area at all but i would suggest that you stop in vernal and just ask for some help. i live in roosevelt and if someone came asking for areas with elk because they had a cow elk tag and needed the meat id be more than willing to give some "low bull" elk areas. ON MY SIDE of the uintas i was finding most of my elk in the 8-9500 elevation area not saying that it will be the same but it might help. if you see any one hearding cows ask them too ranchers have alot of time in the mountains.
Hey I think I saw your honda civic as I was up there over the weekend lol. I unfortunately got stuck trying to pull my fifth wheel to Hacking Lake and blew out my 4 wheel drive. There were no elk or shots clear back on red cloud loop. Talked to a DWR officer and he said he only knew of 2 bulls taken by Taylor Mtn. I moved camp to just north of the county line off hwy 191 where I scared a nice 5 x 5 right into another hunter, congrats to him for being in the right place at the right time. I saw 8 cows, that 5 point and a spike. When I left Mon afternoon I knew of four 5 points that were taken. Four wheelers definately helped to get back into the areas we were in. Good luck to you if you go back out. I'm going to try to go back this weekend just such a long drive for me.
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if someone came asking for areas with elk because they had a cow elk tag and needed the meat id be more than willing to give some "low bull" elk areas.

Thanks, I wish others would do the same. I am truly looking to put meat in the freezer and only have a cow tag. At this point, I would take a yearling... but would rather have a good sized cow. My wife and I are both teachers, and you all know what that pays... :>/
So, if anyone has seen cows up there, has an idea of where to go, or would like to tie one to a tree with a bow on it, please let me know here or PM me.
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After driving 7hrs round trip for two weekends, hiking some 25+/- miles, and not seeing a single elk... I found one. I was able to sneak into the deadfall and get within 45 yards and got a single shot off. She only ran about 30 yards. I walked back to the car to get my pack and when I re-entered the deadfall I spooked at least a dozen more elk that did nothing when my rifle went off.
First rifle elk, 2010 Uinta mountain range.
First rifle elk, 2010 Uinta mountain range.
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Elk were few and far between, although I always saw fresh sign on the mountain. This past weekend I heard very few shots being fired, except for the guy that had his rifle on burst... Yeah, burst. I would like to thank the unknown hunter that gave me an idea of where the cows were located, I didn't catch his name, but I wish him luck on that bull! If he hadn't described the area where he saw over 17 cows, I would not have meat in the freezer. Also, my Eberlestock JP109 Blue Widow was great! I was able to pack out a front and back quarter at the same time, COMFORTABLY, and still had more room in the expandable pack (if I could've picked it
I am dying to try out a Mystery Ranch pack as well. Maybe next year.
congrats! sorry i wasnt a lil more help but like i said sometimes its just a matter of mentioning the cow tag to the right person!
I am glad to see that you were able to close the deal on your hunt. That's a fine pile of meat that you have laying there. It's too bad that you couldn't have got that thing out whole. It would have been cool to see that thing stapped to the top of your civic rolling down the road. :thumb
Glad you were able to fill your tag! Should make for some good eatin! Congrats!
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Congrats! I know its a little late but my Uncle lives in Vernal. He bow hunted quite a bit earlier this fall. Me might have been some help but it looks like ya got it figured out! Congrats again.
I just loved this thread. Talk about a great read lol Nice job and way to stick with it and get it done. Most on here don't like to divulge information to new guys with low post numbers. I would've helped if I knew anything about the area. Anyway, congrats =D>
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Looks like ya didn't need the help anyway. Ya got it done. IMO it's always better when ya do it yourself anyway. Congrats. :thumb
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Thanks guys. There is nothing better than filling the tag, except when you have someone to help with the quartering. I have been trying to fill my archery tag in the Wasatch Extended hunt in SLC and have been very close to a few bulls. I'll keep you posted if I can make it happen.
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Congrats! Sometimes it's a tough learning process but the diy hunts are the most rewarding! I don’t live in Utah so im no help. Again congratulations on a great cow hunt!