coyote hunting
12/5/07 3:37pm
what are some of the technics that you guys use to call in dogs? Do you prefer mouth calls or do electronic calls work better?

12/5/07 8:16pm
all i ever use is handcalls. Its way more challenging and fun knowing that you used your own skill to call in a dog then if you would of done it with the electric call. Way more rewarding doing it with handcalls

12/5/07 9:38pm
If you don't get a high quality electric call I've found that you get white noise and it dosn't sound as good as a mouth call.

jersey boy
12/7/07 5:40pm
Ive tooken a screaming cottontail mouthcall and just sat in my grandparents field in virginia they own 200 acres but neways i called in for the fun of it 2 foxs and a bear that was within 1 hour that was awesome just calling them in that bear came bolting out of the woods it was great!!! MOUTHCALL!!!