coyote hunting question

I have a question for those of you that have been hunting coyotes for a while. On a couple different instances I have set up to call and started with the pup in distress. Once I shut it off a coyote will start barking and howling. In an instance like this what should a guy I have tried howling back with no luck. Thanks for the help.
Coyote LJ
Too many unknown variables to give a meaningful reply. They might be telling you you are busted, they might be telling you they are pissed they might be telling you that they aren't crossing a territorial line they might be saying something else all together. Current conditions like wind, time of day and time of year, are you calling from the direction of a danger zone, are these coyotes educated, how far away are they, etc., etc., etc.

The answer someone might give to your question will vary depending on all of that.

If I'm going to throw a dart and make a wild azz guess, I'm going to say those coyotes had you made and were letting you know it. In which case, you move on and try not to get busted by the next ones.

But if they are just telling you they are pissed, then maybe howling back at them was the smart play and it just didn't work. Sometimes, that is just how it is - sometimes, this stuff don't work...

Maybe you are on the wrong side of a territorial line they aren't willing to cross. So they just sit out there and yap.

If you have a partner that can keep them howling back and forth, you could try putting a move on them. It's a very high percentage play when the conditions are favorable for it. And nothing feels better than sneaking in on a yapper and putting a bullet in his brisket while he is in mid-yap. Even without a partner, if the situation is right, you can move on them and start calling again and sometimes that gets them to commit. Assuming you aren't just busted in the first place.

Who knows... I'm just throwing some stuff out there. I actually have no idea, based on your post. One thing I do know, for sure, is yappers can be a PITA...

- Dave
I would agree that they have seen something that they don't like and they are letting everybody know about it.

If you go back to that area to call again try coming in from a different direction and setting up in a new spot and use a different calling sequence and you just might be able to cal it in.
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Both of these stands have been early morning one area that is hunted pretty hard the other area is rarely hunted but after hearing your suggestions I'm starting to think maybe they had me busted like you guys were saying. I appreciate your advice and I will definatly try sneaking up on them if they are yapping at me.
It might be more of a situation of they have seen something that they just don't like and they are yapping at that . Most of the time in a heavly hunted area if they think that there is a person there they just leave the area and don't even bother letting anybody else know.
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[quote="Coyote LJ"]Too many unknown variables to give a meaningful reply. They might be telling you you are busted, they might be telling you they are pissed they might be telling you that they aren't crossing a territorial line they might be saying something else all together. Current conditions like wind, time of day and time of year, are you calling from the direction of a danger zone, are these coyotes educated, how far away are they, etc., etc., etc.

To add to what LJ said, it would also depend on the sounds being made by the yapping dog. Lots of barks in an aggressive tone, a single bark followed by howling, yipping, lone howls, they all mean something different. Pick up some media on it and you'll find your answer. Lots of stuff on video, and the web about it.

My guess is that you were busted. I think it's a little early for pup sounds, but I guess that anything could work.