Coyotee Hunting

Yeah im new here to MM and i am from southern utah, (Kanab) and i am starting to get into Shed and Coyotee Hunting. I am getting the hang of shed hunting but not so much the coyotee hunting i was wondering if anyone could help me out with both of them maybe good places to get some. (
jersey boy
Welcome to the website ummm im from jersey but im moving to southern utah on the 27th of this month in Veyo but coyote hunting is all patience!!! get a good handcall sit in a good area with some bushes so they feel like they have cover and start calling it isnt easy but fun i do it at my granparents in virginia. The call i use is a screaming cottontail i've called in bears with that thing its a great call!!!

How do you shed hunt???
yeah i think i might need to find me some more of that. we went out on the contest this weekend for Kane County and had about ten or so around but once we got to where we could get them to come in they get right behind a hill and came up from behind and saw us so im getting kind of frustrated with them. I cant find a single place that there are any "stupid" coyotes.
Them sound like smart yotes to Keep at er' youll get the hang of it eventually.
There is no such thing as a stupid yote. They in my opinion are one of the smartes animals out there. Even in an area that never gets called they will still school you. That is why it is called coyote hunting and not coyote shooting.

Crap I have been trying to get me one for the last 10+ years. And still have yet to have everything work out. They either come in and I never see em till its to late, or they don't come in close enough for a shot.

Frustrating, but that is why it is so fun for me. Its a challenge.
Do you subscribe to Kings Hunting Illustrated, TONS of good info in the latest issue about coyote hunting. I just read them all.

I'd same CAMO and concealment are most important. Be ready to make a long shot if necessary though...and well don't miss. :)
jersey boy
Yeah thats true theres no such thing as a dumb yote but get cover man buy a cheap blind and set up on a hill or on top dont sit right in the middle of the field theer eyesight and hearing are outstanding!! So just chil out and relax lol takes awhile to get the hang of it just try a bunch of different places!! you'll find your spot!!
Nah you you dont need to buy a blind at all! Get your back up against a rock face so they cant come up behind ya and surprise ya!
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I don't think you will find any "stupid" yotes. You just need to be lucky it sounds to me like you needed to get in a better postition with the wind so you can catch them before they circle you. I killed one trying to circle us Saturday. If you are hunting with a parnter set up a way from each other so you can see farther and cover more ground.
Buck Fever
I use to spend most of my winters calling yotes. The key is to sneak into a area without being detected. Believe it or not coyotes can spot you from a long way off. If they see you, games over. Sit with the wind in your face. Coyotes have excellent hearing so dont worry about them not hearing your call. Start out calling for about a minute when you first sit down. Then wait a couple minutes and repeat but only calling about 15 second. Soften your calling as you go. Be on the look out because I've had them run into me within a minute or two. Always have your gun in the shooting postion. Coyotes that want to hang up, might have to be coaxed with a mouse squeaker. Coyotes will always circle down wind to scent whatever is making the noise, shoot :333 before they wind you. Remember wind direction, stay completely still and sneak into hunting area. I always like the first stand of the day because I would get setup in the dark undetected. Oh,no use sitting in a stand for more than 20 minutes. Coyote hunting is a great past time, but can be very challenging at times. Just a little bit that i know.. Happy calling!!! :222