
Hawks thread in the Antelope section got me curious.
How many of you kill Yotes while hunting game?
I do, I've killed them with 22 mag, shotgun, and rifle. It's legal, and great sport.
I figure I'm saving deer and other game. Over the years I have killed a lot of yotes, and you know? I haven't hurt the Coyote population a bit. Seems there are more yotes then ever.
I do occassionally but not all the time. I'm sure this goes without saying but if I am in the middle of a stalk or think that there is a good possibility of game nearby I will pass. If I think I can do it without ruining the hunt I will take a shot every time though.

I actually had a yote assist me in a hunt once. Bagged a nice 3X4 about 10 years ago because the buck was too preoccupied watching a 'yote further up the ridge. I was able to sneak up from below him to within 100 years and dropped right where he stood...he kept his eyes on the 'yote the entire time.
Yotes really do add a lot to a hunting experience. I enjoy the sounds of the night while remote camping.
I had the same type of thing happen while stalking a good antelope buck. There were 2 bucks about the same size busy watching this coyote and made it easier for me to get in range. Another time while heading back to the truck I saw this yote on a hillside way off. Had the idea to shoot well above him to see the reaction. The bullet smacked into the hillside, the yote thinking there's danger from above took off. I watched as the yote closed the distance, always looking back. Stopped broadside about 150 yards out.
one hunting fool
i kill them and Fox any chance i get. during the bow hunt a fox came out of the sage brush and i wished i had a pistola with me could have knocked an arrow but i think he was running to fast for that to be effective.
I try to kill every yote I can. If their fur is prime that's a plus. Coyotes kill a lot more fawns then they're given credit for. I figure if our forefathers tried everything in their power to kill them all and weren't successful, we won't be able to wipe them out either. Very few things get to me more than to see a coyote pull a calf out of its mother while being born. :222 :222 :333 The momma cow is in distress and labor and cannot defend itself or the poor helpless calf.
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Thanks for starting this thread...

I hike my tail off after this nice Mulie... I'm minding my own business hiking down this old logging road when I see this coyote. He's stalking a chipmunk. I decide that I need to stalk him. SO I do. I cut to 50 yards and wait for the open lane. He sneaks into the lane and the muzzy finds his boiler room. A perfect shot. He decides to run as fast as he can on his hind legs (since my muzzy ruined his perfectly good front legs). Then all of a sudden, this Pine tree jumps out in front of him and ruins his death run!
I take a couple pictures... Congratulate myself... more than a couple times cause I thought that this is the coolest thing...

I hike over a couple of ridges, see a beautiful Mule deer working his way up towards me. SO I wait. When he gets 30 yards from me, I pull back and go ahead and miss him! Worlds easiest shot and I miss.....

I HATE COYOTES!!! Damn them!

But dead is dead, and I did get him with my bow! Chuck Adams I'm not.
Killing coyotes... It's just the American way
Killing coyotes... It's just the American way