9/23/08 8:26am
Hawks thread in the Antelope section got me curious.
How many of you kill Yotes while hunting game?
I do, I've killed them with 22 mag, shotgun, and rifle. It's legal, and great sport.
I figure I'm saving deer and other game. Over the years I have killed a lot of yotes, and you know? I haven't hurt the Coyote population a bit. Seems there are more yotes then ever.
How many of you kill Yotes while hunting game?
I do, I've killed them with 22 mag, shotgun, and rifle. It's legal, and great sport.
I figure I'm saving deer and other game. Over the years I have killed a lot of yotes, and you know? I haven't hurt the Coyote population a bit. Seems there are more yotes then ever.
I actually had a yote assist me in a hunt once. Bagged a nice 3X4 about 10 years ago because the buck was too preoccupied watching a 'yote further up the ridge. I was able to sneak up from below him to within 100 years and dropped right where he stood...he kept his eyes on the 'yote the entire time.
I had the same type of thing happen while stalking a good antelope buck. There were 2 bucks about the same size busy watching this coyote and made it easier for me to get in range. Another time while heading back to the truck I saw this yote on a hillside way off. Had the idea to shoot well above him to see the reaction. The bullet smacked into the hillside, the yote thinking there's danger from above took off. I watched as the yote closed the distance, always looking back. Stopped broadside about 150 yards out.
I hike my tail off after this nice Mulie... I'm minding my own business hiking down this old logging road when I see this coyote. He's stalking a chipmunk. I decide that I need to stalk him. SO I do. I cut to 50 yards and wait for the open lane. He sneaks into the lane and the muzzy finds his boiler room. A perfect shot. He decides to run as fast as he can on his hind legs (since my muzzy ruined his perfectly good front legs). Then all of a sudden, this Pine tree jumps out in front of him and ruins his death run!
I take a couple pictures... Congratulate myself... more than a couple times cause I thought that this is the coolest thing...
I hike over a couple of ridges, see a beautiful Mule deer working his way up towards me. SO I wait. When he gets 30 yards from me, I pull back and go ahead and miss him! Worlds easiest shot and I miss.....
I HATE COYOTES!!! Damn them!
But dead is dead, and I did get him with my bow! Chuck Adams I'm not.