Critter Sleep Mask-Funny!

You guys have to see this: Google, Critter Sleep Mask. Demo video is hilarious. Great pics of Oklahoma National Guard hunters kills.
omg that is the funniest thing i have ever saw. whats truly sad is she is serious and we have really hit a point in this country that has led us to this nonsense.
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Brilliant idea. I'm surprised no one has came up with this before. Just on the safety factor I'm going to get a few. I have read several articles just this year of people being shot and more being shot at packing out their kill. You are right, its sad that we have hunters out there that will take a shot before being 110% they are not putting other at risk.

Any hunter packing out without a critter sleep mask is putting their self in harms way.

A big pat on the back to the inventer.
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Na. She's a hunting girl making fun of the silly politically correct. :thumb
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Wish my wife would get off the sofa and do something useful like start a business.