Cutthroat photo

My son Cody did a little fly fishing on the Logan today and i took a photo of one of the fish he landed. :thumb I took it in RAW and did a 100 % crop and then converted it to jpeg , with out any adjustments. I used the 50mm 1.8 II . I really like the way it turned out !! :thumb" alt="" />
"UtahRob" wrote: I took it in RAW and did a 100 % crop and then converted it to jpeg , with out any adjustments. I used the 50mm 1.8 II . I really like the way it turned out !!

huh. lol you lost me there
AWESOME!! :thumb :thumb
Love the combo of the glossy reflextions mixed with the color. Nice photo. Good name for a son as well, I have one too.
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Very cool picture
thats is a awsome pic good job
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The fishing in our area ( Logan River ) is hot. Anybody in this area needs to get out !! In the last 4 trips I have landed over over 125 fish. We do use strike indicators ( don't like them ) but we use a try fly on top with a nymth below as a dropper. Most of the fish have been taken on the dropper which we have 20 -24'' below. The best fly on top has been a rubber lag stone fly or ( our #1) foam beetle my son Cody ties and either a bead head golden stone or copper John on the bottom as the dropper. Here is a photo of the beetle and some photos of a few fish we have taken in the last few days. Its only going to get BETTER !!!!! :thumb" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
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Ya snuck some browns in there too. I haven't been fly fishing in years, have to go to far from where I live and the river's I used to fish in are all over run with poeple now.

Man that new lens is awesome, and of course the guy using it. :)

Those are fantastic photos, DANG I need to go fishin!
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Please don't forget to not handle the cutts with your hands. I know they say you are supposed to wet your hands before even touching them if you are going to touch them at all but I recently saw a really nice brown ina shallow section of a stream with a nasty infection from someone handling him. I understand that once they get that infection they will usually not recover. I don't mean to be a downer or anything but we all want to enjoy them. They are probably one of the most beautiful fish.
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"MuleyMadness" wrote:UtahRob

Man that new lens is awesome, and of course the guy using it. :)

Those are fantastic photos, DANG I need to go fishin!
The close up of the Cutt ( first photo ) is my 50mm 1. 8 but the rest of the photos are my small camera , a Cool-pix 4300 point and shoot. It does take good photos. I am suppose to get my new lens ( cannon 17 -40 mm f4L ) tomorrow. :thumb
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"speedgoat" wrote:Please don't forget to not handle the cutts with your hands. I know they say you are supposed to wet your hands before even touching them if you are going to touch them at all but I recently saw a really nice brown ina shallow section of a stream with a nasty infection from someone handling him. I understand that once they get that infection they will usually not recover. I don't mean to be a downer or anything but we all want to enjoy them. They are probably one of the most beautiful fish.
No downer at all !!! :thumb

I know that I wet my hands with all fish , its a habit. :thumb Most of the time , except for a occasional photo , we leave them in the net. Just remove the hook and slip them back in. :thumb Not sure if Cody remembered by looking the first photo. ? I do know that I have never not seen him do it. :-k But i will be sure to remind him if i see that he forgets. :thumb You are right , the Cuttrout are a beautiful fish.

Take Care-
Looks like fun and those pictures are great.