Cutthroat photo
6/9/07 12:19am
My son Cody did a little fly fishing on the Logan today and i took a photo of one of the fish he landed. :thumb I took it in RAW and did a 100 % crop and then converted it to jpeg , with out any adjustments. I used the 50mm 1.8 II . I really like the way it turned out !! :thumb " alt="" />

huh. lol you lost me there
Man that new lens is awesome, and of course the guy using it. :)
Those are fantastic photos, DANG I need to go fishin!
I know that I wet my hands with all fish , its a habit. :thumb Most of the time , except for a occasional photo , we leave them in the net. Just remove the hook and slip them back in. :thumb Not sure if Cody remembered by looking the first photo. ? I do know that I have never not seen him do it. :-k But i will be sure to remind him if i see that he forgets. :thumb You are right , the Cuttrout are a beautiful fish.
Take Care-