CVA Wolf Muzzleloader?

Anybody own the CVA Wolf Muzzleloader, the cheap one Walmart carries? Is it worth getting?

I'm looking to buy a Muzzleloader this year, never owned one. Don't want to spend to much money as I won't use it that often or much. Any other ideas on a good gun, kinda a BEST BANG FOR THE BUCK deal?

Three years ago I bought a Remington Genesis for ~$100 @ Cabela's. Unfortunately, they no longer carry it or I'd tell you to get one of those. In the field I've taken two shots, and tagged two bucks. I'll be trying for a muzzleloader LE elk tag just to increase my odds of drawing (theoretically).
Two years ago, for my dad, we bought a Timber Ridge (made by TC) from Cabela's for the same price & big mistake. I wish we would have spent a little more $$$ and bought the Wolf for him.
Here are a couple things that would be deal breakers for me:
1. Is it easy to clean? On the Genesis I just back out the breech plug and start cleaning, with the Timber Ridge I have to disassemble the action (about a 30 minute job in itself). The guy behind the counter at Wally World should be able to demonstrate how to clean it, or at least let you have a look at an owner's manual and the cleaning instructions (if not... I'd find it online).
2. Fiber optic sights. My Genesis has them, but the Timber Ridge doesn't and that makes a world of difference. If it doesn't have fiber optic sights, don't bother with it.
3. Solid aluminum ram rod. The Timber Ridge has a flexible plastic ramrod, which makes reloading impossible. I had to use the aluminum ram rod from my Genesis when we did all the sighting in of the Timber Ridge.
In my opinion, if the Wolf is a "yes" for each of these 3 items, for $150 you'd be OK.
I have heard decent things about the wolf. In my opinion I would drop an extra $50 or so and get a CVA Optima if I were you. They are great shooters and you can find great deals if you look.
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i second the CVA Optima, its got a few nicer features and a longer barrel. Check out the Sportsmans Guide thats where I ordered mine and I got the stainless with camo stock for about $200.
Thanks fellas, I ended up buying the Traditions Pursuit II XLT I believe is the actual name? Anyway I liked it because of it's lightweight size. But after shooting it, I kinda wish I'd bought a heavier gun to take away some of the recoil as it packs a punch for sure. But I a bit of a procrastinator on the purchase and had to make quick decision. But I'm sure it'll work for now. Now I just have to 'bag a buck' to prove that right? :)
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The Traditions is a nice gun too. My dad has one and loves it. Their stainless coating (tuff coat i think its called) is awesome and requires little if any maintenence. Thats a good choice. Good luck!!
congrats on your purchase. There is quite a learning curve on these muzzys and it took me a few seasons to figure it out. I'm not an expert, but if you want any insight on getting a load figured out, let me know. And do talk to me if you are thinking about getting a 1x scope. You don't need one trust me. I've kinda worked out a sighting method that works awesome.

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Using this gun for 3 seasons . Use 2 triple seven pellets and triple 7 prime. hornady 250 Gr. sabots. shoots 2" groups @ 125 Yards. 3 Deer in 3 shots. Drops em clean. Simple and inexpensive. No quality issues. Graet gun for the money :thumb
So, MuleyMadness... how did it work out for you this year?
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I think the Optima is the best MZL on the market for the money.
Though the optima willl do fine.
I have a number of CVA rifles and havent had any problems. I've killed deer, elk and bear with them

The important thing is finding the right load/charge combo.