CWD - Should it be avoided?

I've been looking into hunting in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming (I've never hunted these states). One thing I have noticed while browsing the regulations for these states is the seemingly high number of hunt areas that are affected by CWD.

This has me concerned. But I have to admit, I do not know much about it.

Is it bad to eat animals that have been potentially infected?

Are there extra precautions to take while cleaning animals that are infected?

Is it easy or hard to tell if an animal is infected before you take it?
Just avoid eating organs ESPECIALLY the brain,all the other meat is safe to eat. :222
I think it sounds a bit scarier than it really is. However there certainly is a potential for it to get out of control, thus the reason for such strong precautions. I live in Ca, but hunt in Co. and technically you are not allowed to bring any animal carcass from a CWD zone into the state unless you have removed the brain and spine. Here is a link to the Co. div. of Wildlife that explains everything in detail and answers most of your questions.
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Awesome. Thanks guys.
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as long as you don't mess with the brain or spinal cord, there is no problems. There have not been any cases were it's been transferd to humans from eating wild game.
I hunt with the retierd Chief of Bio. Wyo. G&F. I thyink if there was any chance of getting it He would know.