Dad arrows grizzly to save sons life.

Has anyone read the story in the Eastmans Hounting Journal about the 62 year old dad and his 37 year old son on an elk hunt. They call in a bull that bolts due to the grizzly right behind the 37 year old caller. The bear charges and the dad shoots an arrow just above the breast plate and below the chin. It severes the aorta. The bear gets in a bit of a mauling on the son before he expires. It's a crazy story. What a shot. Kudos to that guy!
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yeah, I remember reading that story. freakin amazing!!!! how he kept his cool enough to steady and arrow on that shot is unbelieveable!!! indeed kudos to him for sure :not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy :not-worthy

Yea, I remember it too. In fact, I have some pics SOMEWHERE of the bear and the son after it was all over. I'll have to see if I can dig them up.
Holy crap, HAWK just reminded me I have this e-mail... I'll post the text and will try to post the pics but im not sure ill know how to do it from my e-mail. if any of you know how and would like to let me know your e-mail address and ill forward it to you.

Here's the text;

Subject: FW: Attack of a grizzly in Wyoming ~ Awesome!

Ron, was attacked by a grizzly bear last weekend in Wyoming , while bow hunting elk with his dad.

Ron amazing came through with non life threatening injuries.

Ron, who is an experienced hunter and used to be a guide, was calling an elk for his dad, who was down hill 40 yards. The elk suddenly spooked and then Ron heard a noise behind him. He turned around and a grizzly was 15 feet behind him. He tried to shoo it away but it proceeded toward him. He went behind a tree and the bear kept coming, so he took off on his 'death run' down hill towards his dad. With the grizzly just feet behind his son, and running full speed, Ron's dad shot one arrow.
Ron saw the arrow fly by his leg, unsure of whether it hit the bear, and within a few more steps, Ron was on his back with the grizzly on top of him. With is arms shielding his head, Ron kicked and punched the bear with all he had. Ron said it all went to fast and he was so full of adrenaline, he could not feel any pain at the time of the attack. When the bear continued to attack, Ron's dad, could see that the bear was bleeding badly from the arrow, and he went over and started beating on the bear with his bow(You can not carry guns during bow hunting, so he had nothing to shoot it). The bear continued to attack Ron, biting clear through his left hand and glove, and down to the bone of his right arm just below the elbow. Then the bear, stopped, looking at Ron's dad, walked away several yards, and rolled over dead.

The bear was autopsied and showed that it was well over 500 lbs(the grizzlies in that area average 350lbs) and 11 years old(which is in it's prime). Following the path of the arrow, the autopsy showed that the arrow went in, hit a main artery, then bent, and hit the heart!
A one in a thousand shot they said.

Another important fact to mention and that gave me chills is that Ron's dad had had surgery on his arm, because he had injured his arm and was not even able to pull the bow last season. This was to be his big hunt, and before the day of the attack, he had already missed two elk that were standing still. The morning of the attack, Ron's dad(also named Ron), prayed 'God please guide my arrow today'.
Little did Ron Sr. and Ron know how God would guide his arrow that day!
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Just read this article in BUGLE magazine. Thats why I never leave camp without my sidearm. Rifle might malfunction, who knows, but that will always be on my hip.