Dallin's First Buck

This is a buck that I got, it's a three by four with a 16 in spread. It was my second year hunting, but the first deer that I have ever shot. So I was really happy. I spotted it on a side hill, but I didn't even know it was a buck. I saw a deer on the hill, so we stopped and looked at it. I told my dad that it was just a doe, but he said no its not; it's way to big to be a doe. So he put his binoculars on it and said get out and shoot it.
The first deer that I have ever shot.
So I got out and put my scope one it, and right as it was turning its head I pulled the trigger and it dropped like a rock. Gravity will do that yahno! So I was really happy, after we went up the side hill we pulled it down in the wash. We then drug it across a little stream and then we only had to move it 20 yards. Those twenty yards took at least and hour to drag. It didn't help that it was raining and I was all muddy. So thats the story of my first mule deer buck.