Danny's unusual 2009 pronghorn

OK, I'm not the most savvy when it comes to this website, so I posted about my son's pronghorn on another one of the forums before realizing that I should have posted it here, so I apologize in advance for posting it on two forums. Anyway, he shot a nice buck last summer and Huntin Fool just published an article about the hunt, so thought some of the guys on here might enjoy seeing the pics and reading the story. Here's a photo of Danny and his unusual buck.

http://i674.photobucket.com/albums/vv109/dan_sozzi/Dannyandhisbuckprofile.jpg" alt="" />
neat looking goat! thanks for sharing :thumb
That is an unusual pronghorn. :thumb Makes for a great trophy. Congrats to your son. :thumb
Springville Shooter
Nice, what zone did he draw? My wife and I drew Lassen in 06 and a good friend drew Likley Tables last year and got a smoker. Cali has great antelope, but you'll probably only get one chance at them.--------------SS
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That buck came from the Lassen unit. 45 tags and about 2,500 applicants, toughest part of the hunt is actually drawing the tag.
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Great looking buck. one of a kind :thumb
one hunting fool
Nice Goat. it must be windy there to blow the horn's forward like that. happens all the time! thats why goats run so much trying to get them to go back straight. :-k
I love unique antler/horn configurations on all species. Thanks for posting up the pic. If you have time you should write up a summary of the Hunting Fool article and post it for those of us who don't subscribe. I'd read it :thumb

Tell your son congrats.
a very nice trophy. That limited permit area grows some fine lopes. :thumb
Sweet looking speed goat......especially for the Golden State.
I just hunted the Lassen zone this weekend after finally drawing a tag after 15+ years of trying. Winning the tag is the hard part, but worth it. Beautiful, open country that looks and feels a lot like Wyoming. Took a great buck with ivory tips on opening day.
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That's alot of determination