Darren Holden - Central Utah

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In 2004 we hit this buck high in the neck, never got him. In 2005 we missed him twice at less than 60 yds on the trot with a rifle
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That is the buck many of us know as LUCKY
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this buck lives on a limited entry unit, how would you be able to hunt this buck in consecutive years with the two year waitin period.
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Same way that you do, people that have tags or by them. I have three years of video of him there is no doubt it is him. Did you take these pictures after the rut
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Note I said we not I. Is this the first year you have saw him?
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williard, we have watched this buck for a few years,I dont post much becouse of all the remarks that come from posting but was bored and decided to post a few,sorry about the miss communication.The pics were taken during the rut.
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Darren no hard feelings here, and keep the pics coming
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Both of you need grammer and spelling help. It's called English; give it a try, you might like it.
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Give them a break, they're probably from Utah so they can't help it. They say things like "we was" and "I seen it"!
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Is that deer near vernon? If so I have never seen a buck that big and I live there, great photos though keep'em comin.
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Did you hear the one about the stupid California hunter who shot a 6 point elk and thought it was a deer? True story.
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Is "miss communication" a local girl or did you mean miscommunication?
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You Utah guys are so smart! Who knew there was a difference between elk and deer? Golly gee, those of us that spend money in Utah would never have been able to figure that out. You should write a book!
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Darren what have u found this year
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I heard about those california hunters that shot those elk thinking they were deer. I say if they they cant tell the difference between a deer and an elk they shouldnt be hunting.
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this is a nice buck im glad someone is still seein big bucks in utah
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k are people really serious when they start making fun of how different states talk..? and when people argue about a deer were it is who has seen it.. its stupid to read all these comments.. its a nice buck and it hasn't only been seen by one person.. anyway nice buck and nice picture!