day pack

I've never hunted elk before and am looking for some advice.

I hunt primarily farmland in PA for whitetails. I am a firm believer in hunting natural funnels and thick brush lines extending into open fields.

According to aerial photos of the area I am looking to hunt in Idaho, there seem to be plenty of these same types of natural funnels protruding into open meadows.

I've read that deer hunting and elk hunting are nothing alike, but I was wondering if any of the more expirienced elk hunters put any stock into natural funnels
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disregard the subject : daypack too many things going on in my head. subject should be Help me Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hum...considering I have no idea about the area your hunting I don't know if this advice holds any value. But if I was a gambling man (which I'm not) :)

I would say no on the natural funnels or brush lines extending into fields for ELK. Yes that does sound like whitetail and even big mulies in certain areas. But not Elk, at least not where I'm from and hunt. And I see elk almost every year. Just seems out of nature or character for an elk to stop in a funnel like that near fields. They like to "pack it in" and hoof into the meadows and then head out early morning into the hills.