The Ox
7/31/09 9:18pm
this forum is dead lets here how the scouting is going or something liven this place up!
ive been scouting for my pang lake archery hunt mostly seein 300-330 byulls but i think the big boys are around somewhere close. have seen good deer everywhere around southern utah antler growth seems good. ive seen severzal 170+ bucks im getting pumped and ready to get bloody!
ive been scouting for my pang lake archery hunt mostly seein 300-330 byulls but i think the big boys are around somewhere close. have seen good deer everywhere around southern utah antler growth seems good. ive seen severzal 170+ bucks im getting pumped and ready to get bloody!

7/31/09 9:49pm
I think everyone is out checking out the critters!! =D> " alt="" />


The Ox
8/1/09 8:37am
wow freakin awesome pic 9er!!!! :thumb 10sign:

8/1/09 11:05am
I havne't seen any monsters on the panguitch lake yet, but i have seen probably 2 bulls that would push 350

8/1/09 8:35pm
I'm just making sure everything is ready to go. Archery hunt is in two weeks baby. Got make sure the truck, four wheeler, gear, shooting are all in working order. There's a lot to do!!!

8/1/09 8:40pm
Ox where is the photos from scouting?

The Ox
8/1/09 9:36pm
i dont have a lot of photos from scouting most of the bulls i see are in thick stuff and cant get a pic or its usually right at dark. and my cam doesnt take good dark photos. my video cam also has trouble at dark. ive been trying tho. i have a few small bulls on my trail cams. small sixes and 5's but hstill have the cards in the cams. i think i may have one raghorn on a card in my truck ill go grab it and try to post it.