Dead Head / Refinishing Help

I found this dead head out hunting a couple of weeks ago and just got it back from the DWR and am looking to refinish it but it will be my first time. Any suggestions on what works best? Also, there is still some hide around the base that is hard as a rock. Do I need to boil it to get it off? I am using some light sandpaper because it looks like it was still partially in the velvet when it died. I am leaning towards the WAM product but am open to any suggestions. I know there have been some other posts in the past but I am using my ipad most the time and a lot of the pictures don't show up for some reason. Thanks in advance for any help and I will post some more pictures when it is complete. Anybody had any luck with the Mountan Mike Reproduction skulls?
Man alive, talk about a sweet find. :)

Lion kill or some poor hunter never found his buck?

Either way that's awesome. Seem to be in good shape and hard white, I'd say WAM that baby myself but maybe someone has better
methods but I don't.
Boiling it would remove the remaining hide/skin, To stain I’d used oil paints applied with a thin wash of thinner if you need oil paint names pm me.
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Brett, they determined it was most likely a lion kill. If I go with the WAM can I pick it up in st. George?

Mularcher - PM sent.
I have MED (1 left) you can pick up YES in St. George. But only the Medium.

As for the hide, I don't think you'll have to boil it. But could be wrong, just soak it in water for overnight and get a sharp knife and you should be able to cut it off. At least I've done it once before that way. Course boiling it might be faster.
Look at this youtube link and it will teach exactly how to do it and the paints to use. It was so easy with the oil paints because you can change the color as you go and wipe it off if you don't like it.

I did this whitetail set over two nights probably two hours total, Get Winsor & Newton oil paints start with the Payne's Gray then Buff titanium for the base. I did the gray and white color and let it dry then came back the next day with the darker colors burnt umber then raw umber then top off with matte finish spray paint.

Important Apply thin washes of color and thinner so you get the depth and apply colors until they match the color of the horns you your area. Let me know if you need help

Winsor & Newton oil paints
Payne's Gray
unbleached titanium (tan color I couldn't find unbleached titanium so I bought Buff titanium)
Raw umber
Burnt umber
Thinner (should have some near the oil paints, bob ross has some)
KRYLON 1311 MATTE FINISH spray paint
I used the WAM on a couple of sets that I had found that were white and they turned out awesome. Way simple to use and the color is awesome. Ended up looking like they were just dropped. I would post some pics but I have them on my home computer and at work right now and then will be heading up on the mountain in the morning for a week(or less hopefully) to try get on some bucks for my wife with the muzzy. As soon as I get a chance I will post some pics.
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Nice find. I've got a set of sheds that needed to be browned too. The Mountain Mike's skulls work well from what I've seen.
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That's a sweet find. That's awesome they let you keep it! Post some pics once you have it finished!
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Elko, do you live over in Shadow Mountain?