dedicated hunters?

anyone here a/been a dedicated hunter in utah??
just wanting to know if it really something worth doing??
any info would be great and ill probably ask more questions but want to hear some opinions first...
I'm in the program and love it. A lot of people are dropping out because of the 40 hours of service requirement but I think I'll still renew next year.
what type of service do you do for them?? is it pretty local? are you allowed to organize your own project and present it to them?
yes, yes, and yes. This is my second time in the program. I like it because I am garenteed a tag each year. Unlike some of my buddys that have not had a tag in the last 2 years. The 40 hours are the biggest challange but if you willing and able to it is easy to find projects to get in on. And yes if you have something that you think would benifit wildlife in Utah you can present it to the DWR and they may let you do it. The key there is get the permission before you do the project.
what kind of projects do you usually participate in? i hunt with a muzzleloader so getting a tag is generally not a problem but i could have shot a nice buck while archery elk hunting so i was thinking the ability to hunt all three seasons would be nice.
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I am in my first year of my third go around. So that is actually year seven. I love it! 40 hours is nothing to be able to hunt from August to December! I am an archery hunter, my wife rifle hunts, and I have other family who muzzy. Works out great for me! The only down side is finding enough vacation time at work. As for shooting only 2 deer in 3 years who cares. How many people shoot a good buck every year with a general tag? I am done shooting deer just to shoot deer. I have a realistic minimun of 170. If I don't meet that so what I spent almost 5 whole months enjoying the outdoors with family and friends!