Deep sea fishing
The Ox
5/9/10 11:27am
Hey wanting to get a deep sea fishing trip set up. Has anyone fished off california, if so how was it, would you do it again, and what was the rough costs.
i understand its fairly inexpensive,and you can get private trips as well. was thinkin it would be fun for a family trip down to cali and go deep sea fishing. ive see prices etc for private trips for around 2000 for up to 30 people. anyway anyone with experience with this stuff could chime in id appreciate it! any info! and maybe suggestions of the guides you went if you had a good or bad experience. i understand there is also halibut fishing im interestied in it also. im not picky just wanna catch a good amount of fish and have a good time
i understand its fairly inexpensive,and you can get private trips as well. was thinkin it would be fun for a family trip down to cali and go deep sea fishing. ive see prices etc for private trips for around 2000 for up to 30 people. anyway anyone with experience with this stuff could chime in id appreciate it! any info! and maybe suggestions of the guides you went if you had a good or bad experience. i understand there is also halibut fishing im interestied in it also. im not picky just wanna catch a good amount of fish and have a good time
Have fun with the seals if you do decide to go. The are a force to be recond with.
It would have to be a minimum of an over night trip out of San Diego. Don't mess with anything north of there.
July, August, ,Sept, or Oct. are your best bets for a trip of a life time.
It is supposed to be an El Nino year this year which is a good thing.
You have a chance for Yellow tail, Albacore, Blue fin tuna Yellowfin Tuna, Big eye tuna, Dorado, Bonito,Skip Jack. Sharks, and bottom fish. Halibut would be a long shot. But during the those months I mentioned there is a chance that one person could catch more fish than your family could eat in a year. More likely though would be one nice fish for everybody on the boat.
You will have to pay more than $2000 for 30 people if you want to catch something worth fishing for. More like $150 per head at least.
These two web sites will answer all your questions.
I do it all the time so I should tell you be careful, one good tuna bite can get you hooked into an expensive habit.