Deer and Elk 2011

Well here are some pics i've got off my cams lately they are both on public land on the general side. Enjoy! Its the first time i've got a bull elk on my cams
Check out this big boy haha
I shot at this buck and missed him :'(
Probably the biggest buck i've seen this year
A group of 6 bucks
Sweet pics! Sorry about the miss, sounds and looks like a blast though. 10sign:
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nice pics, looks like you have picked a good area

M. Bird
Ya it has been a good year, hopefully i get another chance at any of these bucks!
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I agree, you picked a great spot!
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Great pics
Great pics. I love the Primos TruthCam 35, I have two and would love to pick up another one or two. It sucks that they are black, but with a $3 roll of camo duct tape, you can make them look pretty good ( They take great pics and have great battery life. For all the bells and whistles that the higher priced models may have, I'd rather have a whole fleet of 35's.

Have you tinkered at all with the video mode? I tried it out in the living room on my kids and it takes surprisingly clean video, but haven't had the guts to actually put it on video mode and walk away when it's on a tree... maybe next spring.
Looks like a great area for wildlife. Good luck chasing those buggers.