Deer and Lions

My father has a rifle deer tag for Central NV and I have been out scouting a half dozen times now. Yesterday I went to an area that doesn't hold that many deer but the chances of finding a monster are better then other areas. I ended up in new country and to my amazement I saw two lions. Seeings how I had a gun and a tag (open year around) I took a shot at one but missed. So my question to you is how many lions have you ever seen while out in the field. Not counting the ones with dogs behind them. To date I'm 20 years old and have seen 8. By the way no big bucks were spotted but her is a picture of the buck I killed out of this area in 2005. What do you think this buck scores and how wide is he?
Sweet buck. Never seen a lion in the field myself, pretty crazy considering the amount of time I've spent out and about.

I'll guess 28-29" on your buck. Thanks for sharing! 10sign:
Great looking buck you got there!!! :thumb You have sure seen a lot of Cats. Before I joined the Marine Corps I used to spend over 3 months straight on the mountain and I have only seen two that didn't have hounds after them.
dang nice buck, would work for us :thumb
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Nice buck. I've seen three cats while out and about in the mountains. One was chasing the biggest buck on the mountain opening morning of the archery hunt. The cat was a huge tom and was really pissed when he didn't catch the buck. After the chase the cat set on his haunches and switched his tail back and forth like a house cat does when he's mad. Another time I was setting up game cameras and came around a corner of the trail and there he / she was drinking out our a stream. Never did spot me but I sure wasn't about to get his attention. They are big animals and sooo quiet.
I've seen two cat in the mountains and two in town. The first ran right out in front of the toyota land cruiser I was in up diamond fork canyon. There were about six inches of fresh snow. The cat was amazing to watch. After crossing it decided it wanted to go back across the road. It ran along side the cruiser for about a hundred yards. It wanted to go back across in front of the vehicle. The second one I saw was on the Heaston CWMU unit. We saw about fifty dead elk carcases up a small draw. As we rounded a bend at the top of the draw there was a cat sitting just outside her den.

The other two were in the town of eagle mountian.

Great Buck "For the love of it"

I'm not very good at the field judging thing but I'm going to throw out a guess of 190+ gross and 29" wide
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I've seen one cat. I would say your buck is a low 180's type 28" wide.
Ive seen one Lion in the field near Monte Cristo. Never saw one after that and it was a long time ago (15+ years). That is sure a nice buck you have in the pic there too!
one hunting fool
I myself have came across 3 lions in one day in butterfiled canyon and in 2001 i saw a lion kill a doe not a mile up the ridge i was on. then i watched as the lion fed the snow turned red for a foot around the body. something i will never forget. i wish i had a camera with a telescopic lens i would have had some great pictures
Man, I was up Butterfield Canyon yesterday. Wish I could have caught a glimpse of one up there.
I have seen a half a dozen between area 16 & 17 in NV.
I have only caught a glimpse of one as it jumped across the road after my dad said something to the effect of HOLY _____!! I will guess 28" and 198 score.
I have seen 3. Female with her little ones. This was up by Strawberry. Buddy had a Wasatch elk tag.
only seen one lion and it was going across the road in the dark... early morning... i spend a ton of time on the hill and its wierd but i have yet to see one in the wilderness.. kinda glad
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My dog brought a big ole mountain lion into my campsite once - only one I have seen.
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Nice typical. I've seen one at night crossing the road right in front of us near Gunnison, CO. The other was in the Gila Wilderness. I was glassing a canyon and heard caterwauling (that'sthe only real description I can think of). It took me several minutes of glassing to spot him (it) sitting on his haunches on a ledge a thousand yards away. The caterwauling continued off and on for fifteen minutes. Then he (it) disappeared. In San Angelo,TX my son saw one cross the road 300 yards away from the elementary school that his children attend. In a greenbelt on the same side of town friends of ours were in their suburban watching for deer to come out into the mowed section of the greenbelt under the street lights. Their two young children were with them. A young doe appeared, and, halfway across the grassy area, a lion jumped up out of the ditch, chasing her back to the thick mesquite and cactus brush. At the edge of the brush another lion nailed the doe, and the two of them drug her away into the brush. On an elk hunt in the Lincoln National Forest near Capitan, NM my Australian mate, president of the Australian Knifemaker's Guild, carried my bull's rack down off the mountain to a 4wd road below while I went the opposite direction to get my truck and meet him on the road. The next morning we used his trail to recover the meat and found lion tracks on top of his tracks for the last third of his trek down off the mountain. That spooked my Aussie "mate" plenty.