
I was out the other day Elk hunting and I was stalking up on the herd and between the herd and I 4 deer jumped up and started blowing.I never seen deer feeding with the elk before. the elk just looked around then ran off. It was just weird. i've never seen deer mixed in with elk. ???
Happens fairly often hear in Utah, seen it several times.
Have video of a Cow Elk following a bunch of mule deer, looks like she is the herd bull rounding up her cows. (If that makes sense?)

Hillarious really.
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We have so many deer and elk together here that when I am elk hunting I make a point to "encourage" the deer to leave a field ( they will usually show up the earliest) before the elk show up. This is so there are less eyes and ears to spot me.
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have seen the elk here use the deer to let them know of danger.and the other way around have seen deer follow elk trails through the snow for easier walking and finding forage in deep snow.
I have seen this quite a bit as well. Not only with elk but with range cattle as well. I have seen many deer in the middle of cattle. So just make sure you keep your eyes peeled for every little surprise :arrow