Found it thanks for looking.
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I hope they find the guy and get there camera back
one hunting fool
what a douche bag!
I hope they get it back, what a bunch of jerks..
Thats funny he was caught on another cam and didnt even know it expecially with the stolen camera in hand..
I hope you catch him Good luck
"AntlersOutWest" wrote:Thats funny he was caught on another cam and didnt even know it expecially with the stolen camera in hand..
I hope you catch him Good luck
Actually I know a lot of guys that put them up that way all the time every time, hoping to catch anyone who is messing with their cameras or worse, thiefs! :thumb
Bummer about the cam...I have to think that you'll find the guy somehow/way with those pics and spreading the word on these forums. Keep us updated on the situation....makes for good reading! lol Wish I could help, but I'm a few hundred miles from your area...also, 'pucker factor 8'...that's funny stuff! lol
Tree Killer
Boner...were those pics taken the same day or two different days? It looks like he had 2 different packs on by looking at the shoulder straps, but the clothes are the same.

What an inbred!

Would an explosive charge be considered illegal if somebody tried to steal a fake trailcam?
"Tree Killer" wrote:Boner...were those pics taken the same day or two different days? It looks like he had 2 different packs on by looking at the shoulder straps, but the clothes are the same.

What an inbred!

Would an explosive charge be considered illegal if somebody tried to steal a fake trailcam?
The original post reads that those pics were taken half hour apart, different packs yes, he made a few trips, only got on camera three times.
no better justice for the dirtbag!
even if it was on his waterhole, even if once its on public ground its consider public property, even if it was a cheap camera, even if -- nothing---- how can someone justify taking it without knowingly being a theaf? :>/ :>/ hope his picture ends up in his hometown!
Come on Boner! No juicy details as to how you recovered it? I am intrigued!!
"Huge29" wrote:Come on Boner! No juicy details as to how you recovered it? I am intrigued!!
Seems as though a bear pulled it off the tree. . . this guy picked it up and was photographed with it in his hand. The real question is whether or not the camera had contact info inside it or not. Owner claims it did, finder claims it didn't.
So anyway camera is on its way back to owner. Bad guy has named cleared.
Happy ending.
"BONER" wrote:
Huge29 wrote:Come on Boner! No juicy details as to how you recovered it? I am intrigued!!
Seems as though a bear pulled it off the tree. . . this guy picked it up and was photographed with it in his hand. The real question is whether or not the camera had contact info inside it or not. Owner claims it did, finder claims it didn't.
So anyway camera is on its way back to owner. Bad guy has named cleared.
Happy ending.
Not as exciting as I hoped, but thanks! Did someone just identify the guy and you located him?
ya a few guys identified him, they got in touch with him. Lots of name calling and people generally being ugly, but he might have been legit in finding it.
Only God knows.