
I was out looking for coyotes in the desert behind my house when i found a freshly dug den. I decided not to mess with it and left the sight. Last saturday i went to the same spot not expecting to see anything. When i got near the den i saw the adult coyote who immediatly went in to the den fallowed by three pups. i noticed one pup was still exploring the new suroundings. i only had a .380 seni-auto pistol. I got close and took a skot ad hit its back leg. The pup then started running tawords me barking so while running i shot and killed the pup. I didn't have alot of ammo so i left the sight.
Do you think the coyotes would have left the den sight to a new on and if so how far do you think they would good.
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I'd expect them to have left the site. I'd guess they probably have a couple of secondary den sites within a mile or so for such instances.
I do not like to hunt them or bother them this time of year. I have a personal self imposed season where I leave them be to mature and let me call them in when the fur is better. Dad always said, don't kill anything you don't plan to use. That said, they will move the den for many reasons and will usually have many dug as backups for such occasions. To zero in the den location and even call the parents in you could howl and they may give away the location of the new den. This time however pack a camera and try and get a shot that way, until the fur is ready then pack your gun. :)