Denver ISE

i wasn't able to make it over this year #-o

anyone go? if so, care to share any "highlights"

Obxman58 (Rick) and I went there was a definite drop of people in attendance this year not to
mention there seemed to be way more people just selling stuff than outfitters in attendance.

The fishing outfits almost outweighed the hunting outfitters there was also a upturn in high fence operations in attendance this year. :>/

Overall it was still a good time and there were the best smoking deals I have ever seen on select model 4 wheelers. In fact I could of bought a 2008 Honda Rubicon with winch New for cheaper than I paid for the Yamaha Kodiak New in 2002, definitely a reflection of the economy.

Stopped by the Eastman’s booth and checked out the trophy Mule deer tour and picked up a signed limited edition of Mike Eastman’s new anticipated book Hunting Trophy Antelope a Do It Yourself Guide.

It is a great informative book with free DVD a must for any trophy antelope hunter or any one who hunts antelope for that matter probably the antelope book I have ever seen.( I have some great one written in the 50's and 60's)

Guy Eastman did a seminar and Cameron Hanes was there for a Seminar on the weekend as usual, No Jim Shockey this year though, last time I saw him there was 2006.

Spent 30-40 minutes one on one with one of the guys from the Best of the West at their booth first time I have seen them there. Checked out the Huskemaw 6.5-20 rifle scope out in great detail and picked their brain about everything related to the scope, guns and ammo they use in their long range custom rifles. They take the science of long range shooting to a new level.

Overall it was a fun time but not as good as years past the economy showed it's effects as you saw less people and not as many good outfitters and vendor's in attendance this year.