Desert Big Horn Hunt

I found an outfitter in AZ, with with 2 Desert Big Horn tags in Sonora, on a private ranch, newly registered. They are only taking 2 heads this rifle season, and boasting 170"s, possibly better. All inclusive hunt, which includes lodging at the ranch, meals etc. 3 guides working with one hunter to locate animals and heads. Price is quoted at $50,000 per tag. I am definitely interested, but have not found an opportunity to hunt Desert Rams before. I'm retired, and I can pay the $50,000, I'm just looking to find out if this seems like a reasonable price for such a hunt?? Thanks
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From what I've read about hunting desert bighorns in Mexico I think that's about the going rate. It's also (to my knowledge) the only sure way to secure a desert bighorn tag.
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I do appreciate your input. I have 3 rams to my credit now, and a desert ram would round out a Grand Slam for me, although it has taken most of my life to get here. I have tried for years to get a tag thru drawing and just doesn't seem like I am ever going to be lucky enough. This may be the only way!
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are you looking for trophy desert ram hunts in mexico
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if you want the big rams that is about what you will pay. they are hard to get a tag, and if you got the money why not. if i was you i'd do it. :thumb