Diamond Mtn - Muzz deer help please?
9/4/10 10:16pm
Okay guys, I need some help from your wealth of knowledge. I am hopeing that one of you know the North Eastern Utah Diamond Mountain unit. My dad has one of the Muzz tags. We had plans to go spotting and learing the area a bit this next weekend with a friend that has hunted it a bit. However he is now not able to make it with us scouting or the hunt. We are on our own. I don't want my dad to turn the tag back in but we are up agains the crunch time. My dad and I are going to attempt to go out there this next weekend and look it over but are not sure where to start or look. I am hoping that one of you great Muley Maddness memeber are familiar with the unit and willing to help me out in a starting point to look at this next weekend. Feel free to PM me if you want.
thanks for the help.
thanks for the help.