Diamond Mtn. Utah - Muzz Deer
9/15/10 12:02pm
Just wondering if anyone here has ever had the Diamond Mountain Muzzeloader deer tag. If you have had the tag or have been on the hunt with someone with that tag. What was your experience? My dad has the tag and we are just wondering what to expect as far as quality of animals, amount of animals? We spent this last weekend out there and saw a few decent bucks but nothing that would make the ol jaw drop. Just looking for a little info on the unit. Not your spots unless you woule like to divulge. More just general info on the unit and the deer that live there.

9/19/10 12:33pm
I was up doing some fishing at mt warner. And I seen quite a few bachelor groups. There were quite a few bigger bucks. But they were everywhere. Id he'd farther up early morning and follow them down. Your bound to see atleast one shooter

9/19/10 8:55pm
thanks for the reply. That is what we are hoping for .