Did a little deer hunting this year

Sorry for the lack of posts in the last couple of years, but I have been getting into other things in life and deer hunting has taken a back seat. But, I have been accumulating points, and I burnt some of them in Colorado this year. My wife and I drove our camper from our home in PA 1700 miles to my unit. I was hunting my usual way of parking the camper on public land and hunting solo while the wife relaxed at camp.

I was a little disapointed when we first arrived because there were hunters and four wheelers EVERYWHERE. Don't get me wrong, I like seeing and talking to other hunters sometimes, but this was crazy.

Darn near had a shot at a really big buck the first morning as I stalked within 20 yards only to learn the bugger had bed in a position that was next to impossible to get a shot at him.

I hunted this unit several years ago and had forgotton how rough this country was. After a couple of days I was COMPLETELY EXHAUSTED. I admit it, I wanted a four wheeler for the first time in my life. I'm getting old. lol...

After four days of poor luck and 6 pounds lost, I was glassing a small sage flat when I spotted what I thought was a nice buck. He looked like he was in a good position for a stalk. An hour later, we were face to face at 30 yards and I blew it and sailed an arrow right over his back. I rushed the shot and didn't pick a spot. This is a bad habit I have, and it's not the first time it's cost me a buck. After all that work, you can imagine how I felt.

The next evening I decided to still hunt across the back of that same sage flat and there he is munching on some brush. He looked my direction when I drew but it was to late as my arrow passed through his shoulder. He piled up 52 yards later.

I realize alot of you westerners on here have shot much bigger bucks than this one, but for me he is special. A lifelong dream.

http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/countrynate/018-Copy.jpg" alt="" />

http://s92.photobucket.com/albums/l25/countrynate/017-Copy.jpg" alt="" />
That is a great story that ends with a GREAT looking to finish it up. If you are happy with the buck that you shot then what other people think of it doesn't really matter. I pray that one day that I can close the deal on a buck that size with my bow. Job well done.
That's a very nice looking buck. Sounds like you had a great time and you should be proud. :thumb
Cool story! And it looks like a perfect shot. Can you get some more pics of him i would like to see a lil more of that kicker on his left side. congrats!
Welcome back Country Nate.......and you did so with a heck of a nice archery mule deer. I love the kickers and mass. Definitely a mature buck. Congratulations and stick around this time.......we like hearing from our Eastern brothers and how their seasons are going.
first off, i dont know anyone who would pass on that buck( unless were talking the big once in a lifetime units)

second: holy cow, what a dandy buck! 10sign:
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Congrats, that's a dandy buck! You should be proud of yourself. :thumb
That is a sweet buck man. Even better taken with a bow congrats gotta love colorado.
Not a thing wrong with that buck. Congrats.

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Very nice buck, I would shoot that one in an instant.
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Thanks for the nice comments, I appreciate it. You westerners telling me that it is a good buck makes me feel goooood. :not-worthy

Yea, I need to participate here more, I like you guys, and my little hunting trips out west are near and dear to my heart.

Hardstalk, I searched the pictures I took and I didn't really get any good ones of that kicker (dumb). It sticks out about 3 inches at an upward angle and there is another small one below it about an inch.

mapleton archer
Great buck nate! I Love The first picture speaks a thousand words for me!
Great buck! congrats!
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That's an awesome story! Thanks for sharing and congrats!
First pic is absolutely AWESOME. And don't kid yourself, that is one GREAT buck!! Thanks for sharing and the story was great.
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That's a really great buck there. That first pic says it all man.