Did I miss it this year?
12/28/10 10:45am
Wheres the christmas present like years past.....I really missBlack Magic.......Is he still around?...He was starting to look rough in the last few years. Did he make it another year? You can answer in a PM if ya like. I'm just curious if he is alive still.
But I would love to see the footage when it's released. How about a sneak preview? :)
I can't believe someone wouldn't shoot him, LOTS tried and a few claimed they could have but decided against him. I heard some local residents sure tried on the Rifle hunt down south for a couple of years and said he was almost impossible to kill. Same for several archery guys.
But I guess if you had a high dollar tag, ole Black Magic might just be cool to look at and I'd move on to something else. But with the History I have with him I would not have passed for sure.
He was quite the buck for sure.
I've got a bunch of footage of him that's never been seen. Will release a DVD likely some day. :))
I, for one, would have gladly "wasted" my tag on such a cool buck! 10sign:
it's to bad he's gone, but i also agree- it's kinda cool that he was able to excape so many hunters. if one person ever finds his skull, I sure hope it would be MULEYMADNESS. with so many experiances with him, he deserves it
Is the footage of Black Magic on the new Quest for the Best DVD???