Digiscoping? UPDATED!

Alright who does it and what's your results? Lets see some video taken through the spotters.

Here is mine...(taken today).

I just recently finished making me a Home Brew Digiscoping Adapter Kit for my Spotting Scope. Never taken video through a spotter until about 3-4 weeks ago.

I think I've got a pretty sweet adapter made up, what you'll think?

Would there be any interest if I did a tutorial up sometime on how to make one? Cost me about 10 bucks.

I know the bucks small but it's the biggest I could find tonight. :))

Springville Shooter
You got the focus just right for sure. Must be a pretty good spotter as well. Looks good to me------SS
Nice. Lets see some pics of your adapter.
Muleys 24/7
Looks good,about how far away were you? What scope do you have?
I would be very interested in a toturial. Also what camera and spotter are you using? Do you know a distance that the video was taken?
Yep, looks pretty darn good. Would love to see a tutorial! Thanks!
Okay here is a video I did on it, I'm going to do a written version with pics and more specific details later also.

Oh and I lost my range finder this fall, so not sure on the exact distance. But this buck clip was roughly 150 yards or so if I had to guess?

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Fantastic video!!!! That is one sweet adapter you have there........can't wait for the written "how-to" since my sound no longer works on my laptop...LOL!!! Just getting into digiscoping myself in the last few weeks but I need a better adapter. Working on my camera settings/adjustments right now as well. Went out on the edge of town for some "suburban bucks" today for an hour or so and found this busted up brute just soaking up some sunshine. Shot with a Canon A490 thru a 20-60x80mm Swaro scope at around 120 yards. http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh452/SoleSearcher34/Digisco9e1016.jpg" alt="" />
http://i547.photobucket.com/albums/hh452/SoleSearcher34/Digisco9e1027.jpg" alt="" />

I do need adapter help tho as my quick homemade version is shoddy in comparison to yours.
Looks like a great setup. Thanks for sharing your expertise with us.

That buck is AWESOME, great pics. You should make your own thread for him. :)

I'm about 1/2 done with the written version with detailed pics etc.
Here is the link to the written tutorial with pics...


Looks good. I made me a "home brew" out of a toilet paper tube, 2 paperclips, a rubber band, duct tape, and heating duct insulation. I had everything laying around already & it seems to work ok.
Thanks for the info. guys. After I get my new scope, I'll try and make something work.
Very cool Brett, thanks for the info and taking the time to do the tutorials! Just got a new scope this year, can't wait to try it out!
Nice video Brett glad I could convert you haha. Now if you wanna give up that SLR I'll be glad to take it off your hands LOL. I'm workin on a Digiscope Highlight vid right now from the same canon camera you've got.
I'll be honest you are a big reason I converted. ha ha

But there is no way in heck I'm parting with that SLR. :) I'll get the best of both worlds now, sit back with
my soda and Twinkies in the truck, THEN sneak in for the "real" good stuff. lol

Yea look forward to that video. :thumb
Nice set up Brett. I've been considering trying to put something together. This might just be the ticket.
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Looks awesome! Once I get a spotter, I'll have to try it out
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Thanks Muley Madness........glad I'm not the only one who thought he had some bitchin' character to him. I found another cool one this evening to share........we should just start a digiscoped bucks thread?
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I really like the setup. I'm going to be getting the canon 300 HS for Christmas. So I'm going to have to see if i can get this setup to fit my Razor HD.
You are a genious. I can't believe nobody thought of it before this. fatrooster.
Brett- In the video you mentioned covering up the flash and red-eye reduction bulbs.

When digiscoping is it best to eliminate the flash and red-eye function? I dont know the first thing about digiscoping, but I know I tried to freehand a few photos this year and would have loved to have something like this.
When digiscoping is it best to eliminate the flash and red-eye function?
No need to worry about either of these when digiscoping, just make sure they are both turned OFF. I just meant I didn't epoxy my ring onto the camera so that I can use it for EVERYDAY use, thus not wanted to cover those to spots on the camera. Make sense? Best of luck, it works awesome for me so far but I'm still learning and new at it.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:No need to worry about either of these when digiscoping, just make sure they are both turned OFF.
+1, also use the TIMER function. My camera has a 2 second delay and a 10 second delay. I get better pics with the longer delay, it allows the scope to be completely steady after I hit the button... but it's tough when the critters are moving. For stationary shots, that's what's worked best for me. If you're camera has a remote, that would be even better!

I also like to use the multi-shot burst and then pick out the best pic of the bunch.
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On my camera i can set a custom delay so in 2 seconds it takes 10 shots. Great to get rapid shots with out touching your camera.
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http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z218/bjack10/IMG_0315.jpg" alt="" />

http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z218/bjack10/IMG_0314.jpg" alt="" />

http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z218/bjack10/IMG_0303.jpg" alt="" />

http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z218/bjack10/IMG_0289.jpg" alt="" />
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What settings are you using on your canon 300hs?
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This is the best thread I have found so far. I have that exact same camera and spotter and was hoping to do some digiscoping with it. I tried a couple of times by just free handing it and couldn't get the greatest quality. I was looking at adapters but wasn't too fond of the $100-$300 price tag they are asking for some. Looks like I need a trip to Home Depot.

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/hunting/IMG_0034.jpg" alt="" />

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v238/futball22/hunting/IMG_0025.jpg" alt="" />
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That's a great idea! Thanks for sharing. I'm way more excited about taking pictures this winter.
What settings are you using on your canon 300hs?
I'm pretty new to this, haven't really played with the settings much...but probably will later. Just standard automatic mode so far.