Dinker Idaho Buck

No, not shot in Dinker, ID! :)) Here's a buck I shot in a burn area Here in Idaho on the second day of the general season hunt. I passed up some pretty nice bucks on the opening day but had to pull the trigger on this guy. He doesn't score for crap but his antlers are dark, wide and symmetrical. He's only 29" wide but my best buck to date. I haven't hunted deer here in Idaho with a rifle for nearly 6 years so it was nice getting back out in the hills. Sorry no field photos. Here are some pictures after I cleaned up the skull for a european mount. The first picture is after bleaching the skull. Sorry skull krazy, you won't be getting my business this year! Enjoy!
good deer!!!! what area of idaho did you shoot it at??
very nice. So is it harder to get the paroxide these days?
"pokymuleys" wrote:good deer!!!! what area of idaho did you shoot it at??
He pokymuleys, I shot it down in SE Idaho in a unit that has/was plagued by fires the last few years. I know most of the state was on fire so it's still pretty vague, sorry.
"gilamonster8" wrote:very nice. So is it harder to get the paroxide these days?
I bought all the stuff at a local beauty supply store. I purchased some Basic White and 40% volume peroxide. Mix the two together into a slurry of sorts and put it on thick. I wrapped the skull in saran wrap and placed in the sun for a day to help the process. Everything turns out good in the end.
Looks great! So does skull crazy do skulls? Just wonderin from your comment. 29" is a sweet deal.
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Wow, beautiful antlers. Congratulations!!
SWEET looking buck and great job on the EURO mount! :thumb :thumb
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only 29" thats too bad good job they look good =D>
wilecoyote76, I wouldn't have passed him up either! CONGRATS on a great buck and a very nice Euro mount!
if thats a dink buck i wanna see a monster, thats a good buck i know i would have shot.