displaying trophy's

Anyone that has not been to Cabelas in Kansas City, if you get a chance, DO IT!!!!!!!!!! 5000 sq ft mule deer musuem! That's not to mention every thing else.

But the purpose of this subject is to blow off about the way I see mount's displayed. I've been very lucky to have seen some beautiful display's around the country. But I've also seen far to many that I feel demean the animals we hunt. What is the purpose of putting a beautiful mount on the wall and hanging things on it? How repulsive to go into a business and see a deer with a cigerate in it's mouth, christmas bulb's hanging from the antlers, wearing a tie, ect., ect.

There is a small store in Empire, Nevada that has a beautiful full mount of a cougar,,,decorated with christmas stuff. A tavern in Lakeview and Paisley, Oregon both have mounts wearing ties and cigerets in there mouths.

There was, some years ago, a small resturant due east of Greeley, Colo that had a wonderfull display in it's own room. No smoking,food or drinks allowed. Sadly it's gone now, but it was a tribute to fine game animals.

So I just wanted to get this off my mind as I find it repulsive. My feeling is that no one that would do these thing's to animals we hunt for sport should be able to kill them for any reason.[/quote]
I have to admit I did throw a Santa Hat on my Mule Deer mount this year, not to demine or belittle the deer. I woulnd't do it in a public displaying area, just at home for the Christmas spirit is all.

I'm definitley against the cigarette haning out though, that's just plain stupid and fowl in my opinion. Wouldn't like the tie either. Mule deer look best in there "naturual" state, plain and simple.
come on guys, not even to help jazz up the home around the holiday season. i have a deer that i put a red nose on, a antelope that i put a christmas tie on. it is just for fun, and it helps lighten the spirits around this time of year. we also have one of those big mouth billy or wally bass dudes that we put a make shift cigarette hanging out of his mouth, man it is hilarious when you turn him on and he starts singing "don't worry be happy!" it is all out of good fun. i would however not put something like that on something i was publicly displaying. there are too many peta members and tree hugging sobs to start a war with. so i would have to withdraw from doing that if i was publicly displaying my mount. on the other hand, my home is my business!
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You are right, what you do in your own home is your business. I was talking about what I see displayed in business'. But at the same time it sure won't happen in my home. Stand back and look at your head or head's. I doubt that it walked out in the road drunk and let you shoot it, no sir, it made you look, it made you earn it. That is your reminder of a fine animal that died, by your hand, for a few moment's of selfish pleasure. If it was a fork it wouldn't be hanging on your wall, or anyone elses probally. You won, you got the bragging right's, and I'll be the last to tell you what to do in your own home. That or those deer are gracious in defeat, I'ed be gracious in victory.
Those billy bass are not now and never were real. You did not persue them in there home, take them in fair chase and then stuff them and hang them on your wall. There is a difference. Furthermore this is just my opinion and to me it wouldn't matter what animal it was or if it was a fish. When I was younger my uncle took a taxidermy class and mounted, of all thing's, a robin he'd shot with a BB gun. It hung on the wall at grandpa's for many year's, admired for what it was, a creature that gave a moment's foolish pleasure to a young boy, my uncle.
I hope your not offended, none is intended. As I said, it's on public display where it really rankle's me.
