Do you Agree Or not?
11/20/08 6:10pm
Got this in my work email today!!! " alt="" />


11/20/08 6:39pm
That is funny, but I wouldn't go that far with it. One election is not going to change the fate of this country. The fate of this country is decided and molded by OUR everyday choices. We as Americans hold that in our own hands. Our pledge says "One nation under god, indivisible...". As long as we the people stand up for what is right and make our voices heard then no single man can go against it. It's when we sit idly by and say to ourselves "man that sucks, I wish someone would have done something to stop that". Thats when we are just as much at fault because we let it happen and did nothing. Stand up, make your voice heard. If washington and this country still go down the drain then you can hold your head up high and know you did all you could do.

11/20/08 7:02pm
The only thing I can say is "we'll see". But, don't give up. [-o<

11/20/08 7:30pm
Just try and remember.......America is more than just one person.