do you guys count your eye gaurds as a piont?
3/25/06 12:30pm
hey I have always counted eyegards as apoint if they are over an inch what do you guys do and name the state your in. Im mostly concerned about mulies JimW
It seems that back east/whitetail deer they always count the eye guards in there point total. Plus they add both sides together. A 4 point in my mind, would be a 10 point to them.
Thats at least my method. Im in Utah.
Idaho here.
Like the last 5 yrs bucks are:
4x4 w/eyeguards
5x7 w/eyeguards
3x4 w/eyeguards
7x9 w/eyeguards
5x5 w/eyeguards
Now if you're talking to buds on the east coast, I simply expalin to them it's a 5x5 and they understand fully.....and relpy, "Oh it's a 10 point!" ](*,)
I do more western deer hunting then I do here at home. I don't include brow points on mule deer. Folks back here have a hard time with a 4 pt muley. Its like "oh" you shot a fork horn.
IMO: Although scorable and all, their not really counted as a real point to me. Just like Bowedark, When i'm huntin here, it's a 4X4 w/ eyeguards.