Muley Stalker
7/3/14 6:11pm
There was a time in my life that I hunted for nothing but bucks and bulls. I've been hunting every year since the early 50's, so I guess you can say i'm old school. That's how we thought back then.
Things have changed though. For one i'm an old fart now, and don't camp anymore. So, i'm lucky enough to live close to where I can hunt. I only hunt the units that I can drive to every morning, and come home every night. I've retired this year from elk hunting. Getting the meat out alone has become too much of a chore. Even if it's a cow.
So, i'm down to hunting for deer only in the units close by. As the years have gone by it's become harder to get deer tags from too many hunters. I can only hunt for a buck every other year, because I need at least 1 point to get the buck tag. At my age (71) I can't afford to skip hunts to build points. I like game meat too much anyway. So, every other year I hunt for does.
You don't read much about doe hunting on deer forums. Everyone is fixated on antlers. So, what's your story? Do you just hunt for bucks? Do you hunt for bucks and does, or do you just hunt does?
Things have changed though. For one i'm an old fart now, and don't camp anymore. So, i'm lucky enough to live close to where I can hunt. I only hunt the units that I can drive to every morning, and come home every night. I've retired this year from elk hunting. Getting the meat out alone has become too much of a chore. Even if it's a cow.
So, i'm down to hunting for deer only in the units close by. As the years have gone by it's become harder to get deer tags from too many hunters. I can only hunt for a buck every other year, because I need at least 1 point to get the buck tag. At my age (71) I can't afford to skip hunts to build points. I like game meat too much anyway. So, every other year I hunt for does.
You don't read much about doe hunting on deer forums. Everyone is fixated on antlers. So, what's your story? Do you just hunt for bucks? Do you hunt for bucks and does, or do you just hunt does?
So for now guess I'm mostly after bucks/horns/meat like you stated. Might have to start getting into cow/spike Elk hunts though as it's becoming more and more difficult to draw a general deer tag. I want some meat. :)
So, if you don't hunt does, because you think you're helping the herd. You need a better reason.
There are VERY few doe tags even offered in our state anymore. There is a couple of areas where I will agree with your statement, meaning taking some does in these areas for herd control is a good idea and beneficial. The winter range is overrun and there is no food source for the deer/does in those areas.
Do you just hunt for bucks, and why?
1. You're strictly a trophy hunter.
2. You think it's better for the herd.
3. You think the meat taste better. ( :) )
4. More challenge.
5. Doe hunting is for kids.
6. I love the taste of antlers.
See we agree after all. :)
Trust me I know where your coming from, I've hashed this OVER & OVER for years with a variety of folks, including DWR officers.
To answer your other question, I hunt for challenge, love of outdoors, meat, family, time, peace, exercise, stress relief, etc. No I'm not strictly a Trophy Hunter, no I don't think it's better for the herd, no a big ole buck doesn't taste better (but looks better). :)
Doe hunting is for everyone if need be, and I love the look of antlers. :))
I try to make it as much of a challenge as possible. I use a traditional sidelock muzzleloader with round ball, and primitive sights. I'm actually hunting the rifle season, but still use the muzzy. The DOW has given me a special license to use a scope in muzzleloader season due to my bad vision. I've lost the sight in my shooting eye, and not very good vision in my good eye. I had to learn to shoot left handed, but it feels ok now. I never could bring myself to use a scope in muzzleloader season.
As a still hunter who hunts dark timber. I'm used to getting close on my shots. It's how I hunt all animals. So, i'll need to get within bow range with the muzzleloader for the doe hunt. A little more of a challenge, but not as hard as a buck, or bull.
It sure beats not hunting.
I'll still have my deer hunts too. :)
Are you just trying to justify why you now hunt does and it's ok for anyone to hunt does?
If people can legally hunt does, then I really don't care one way or another.
I said many "feel" looked down upon. Just an insecure perception.
But your right, many do look down on trophy hunters, which may or may not be justified.
It's all so silly. We should all be sticking together no matter what you hunt.
Anyway, those of you that love venison and you hunt where antlerless permits are available, I trust that the deer herd is at carrying capacity.
I have at first hand observed what has happened in MT with FW&P continued antlerless permits. Now it's bucks only statewide a few years to late however. Recovery will take a long time and for sure the large carnivores get first consideration. zzz
It seems the DOW is failing again. In 2005 the mule deer herd was 614,000. It's down to 390,000 now. That's a huge loss when you consider the DOW is trying to increase the size of the herd. They can try and blame natural causes like winter kill, and predators, but the bottom line is all they can control is how many tags they sell.
I won't be hunting for deer anymore of any sex, and turned in my tags for a refund. I'll stick to elk and bear from now on.
If you turn your tag back in, someone else will get it and kill the same deer you would have ? So if your worries about the deer herd, it and keeping the tag and not hunting would be the only thing you could do to help? But if you enjoy the meat, and harvesting a doe,(and obviously the Dow said there is enough deer there by issuing the tags) why not use it?