Does elk chew your camera wires in half?? I need your imput

I have a stealth cam with a 6 volt battery box
I have been having problems with the elk chewing the camera wires in two and demolishing the battery boxes on a nightly basis.
I have hung the battery pack up in the tree, covered them with rocks, u name it ive done it. and they still scatter it across the field.

Just wondering if anyone else has the same problem or any suggestions.
Thanks, CA
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Hi Antlers, The only time that elk don't bother my cameras is when their antlers are still in the velvet.
once they are hard horned I have to take a few tree steps with and use them to get up high enough that the elk can't reach.
So move them up and get some cool pictures and then post them here.
Good Luck Treetop
Had them hammer one of mine pretty good also, but never had one CHEW anything up like that. Darn things.
My problem is the dang bears. They're all like my three year old daughter. Everytime you take a picture, they want to see what it looked like.
I bought me a game cam for Christmas. Now I know what to watch out for. I wouldn't figure that would be a problem.

On sale at Cabelas for $99. Thought I'd give it a try. My wife won't let me have it 'till Christmas. #-o