Does the weather effect the gobblers?
5/16/07 11:00am
I was out with my brother this weekend, and we couldn't get any birds to talk to us in the afternoon, and only one very early in the morning. When I had this tag a couple years ago I called one in at the end of May. I am wondering if because it has been hotter and dry this year if that is what the problem is?
Windy days are also bad. They cannot hear as well therefore they get a little more cagey and cautios to approaching calls. It is harder to determine distance between you and the birds also.
Each year presents different challenges too. The birds are pretty quiet right now, most of them are just henned up and just like a herd bull elk when he hears a call, in most cases he will gather his heram and push them away without saying a word. They will go in phases in gobbling depending on the weather and conditions, one year they may be gobbling later or earlier than they did the year previous.
However towards the end of the of season the toms will start to break off from the hens and when they do this they start getting vocal again, some of the ones that got beat-up or kicked-off before think they may have a chance now. Often the birds will get quiet and then vocal up again towards the end of the month.
I am no turkey expert, but the best advice I can give you would be persistence , Just keep going and you never know when you might find or hear the bird you are looking for!
Good Luck!! 4c :thumb
I am normally tagged out by May and just scored and one tag left until the end of the month.