Dog shot with Deer Hunting Arrow

Someone shot a deer hunting arrow into a DeKalb County family's beloved pet and now police are searching for the culprit.

Kirby Vanderyt's black Lab named Obsidian Rose, or Siddie for short, is recovering at the University of Georgia's Small Animal Hospital after doctors there removed the arrow.
Jerk! Hope they catch the culprit/s. If they've done it once, they've probably did it before or will do it again.
Was the dog in the families yard or somewhere else? Is there anymore information on this story?
I recently picked up 34 piles of dog crap from my front yard... and I don't have a dog. I know which neighborhood pooches are leaving me the afforementioned "presents," and I would be lying if I said that I hadn't considered a similar "solution" to my problem. But deep dpwn in my heart I never could do that.
A coworker of mine has an easy solution for that. He doesn't like to pick up dog crap even though he has a dog. When he wants the yard cleand up he cooks a couple of pounds of bacon and then goes out and pours the grease on the turds and by the next morning his yard is completly clean of crap. :thumb
I don't know what the whole story is either, so I'll hold judgement.
I do know people need to keep track of their animals and keep them on a lease if not on their own property.
I once knew of someone who used this type of control on tresspassing cats.
"a_bow_nut" wrote:A coworker of mine has an easy solution for that. He doesn't like to pick up dog crap even though he has a dog. When he wants the yard cleand up he cooks a couple of pounds of bacon and then goes out and pours the grease on the turds and by the next morning his yard is completly clean of crap. :thumb
dude- thats friekin' funny! i'm frying bacon as we speak:) (just kidding)
I thought that he was just pulling my leg untill I went over there one day and there he was doing his "yard work". Had a nice bacon sandwich that afternoon.

I too would need to know the story. An area I hunt has a couple of coon hounds from a neighbor some two miles away that stray from home and chase deer. They were chasing deer on this property during the rifle opener this year ruining the days hunt for several. Now, the owner has been contacted and asked to keep their animals secured several times to no avail. Honestly, I am a dog owner and love dogs but if one of these pooches come by me in the field they are done. This or being threatened by an animal would be the only reason I would shoot a dog.