
I'm not sure if anyone else has seen this individual's posts, but I have been deleting them as soon as I see them. The English just doesn't seem right and I do not trust the "link" that is posted at the end of the post by the name of "Cutthroat Trout".

Sure seems like a spammer or worse to me. This "member" has only replied to cuttrhroat posts, which raise questions with me. I just don't want any of our members clicking on the link and getting something they weren't expecting. I'll leave on up and maybe someone more computer savy than me can check thing out.

Here is the post I will leave:
Yep he is spammer, just deleted his username/account.

Thanks for your work and the heads up.
Nice catch ABert! I didn't even notice him. I did notice another post just like that though. The individual had posted something about wishing he's gotten his deer and then posted a link where you could go check out someone's pics (Game farm). It was his first post, grammer was bad, and just the way it was worded seemed a little too suspicious for my blood.
He's back, along with another one.

by dominicleckie » Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:57 am

I have not been fly fishing in the year, you have to go far from where I live and the river that used to fish all hit with people now. Fall River fierce snake picture caught fly fishing the Dream Stream in Colorado.

I recoginze this post from one my brother made a couple of years ago:

by Prince Lev » Wed Aug 17, 2011 2:24 am

good news to the fishermen in the state of colorado . the reopening of antero reservoir is set for july 14th .

the dow has stocked the lake in 2006 with browns , rainbows , cutbows , brooks and splakes . with the

adam cue pool cue predator BK2

natural food that is in the lake , the grow about 2" a month . there should be some good sized trout for us

to catch . only one special rule will be in effect , you can only keep one fish over 16" and the rest have to

be under 16" . good luck to all who fish there this year .Prince Lev

Posts: 1
Joined: Wed Aug 17, 2011 1:59 am
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This one had a couple of images that look to be from some kind of video game. I've deleted both posts.
Deleted the first 2 accounts...

Prince Lev

This a couple of users?? adam cue pool cue predator BK2

Was confused on that part. Thanks for the catches, SPAM is ridiculously hard to get rid of and control. Frustrating to say the least on my end.
