Doyle finds a monster
7/7/08 11:22am
So, has anyone else seen the bull on the front page of mossback's website? That thing is a monster. According to the video they named him spider bull, and it's obvious why. Anyone have any info on it? I heard it's in Utah, down in the Richfield area.
I'd say he goes over 450" EASILY. Someone is going to be VERY, VERY, LUCKY!!
If the archers don't get him, he should go down fast with the Sportsmans tag or Governor's tag.
Don't they start the same day?
It is a zoo on the Monroe already because of this amazing bull, I am glad he isn't on the LE unit just to the south or my hunt would be messed up with all the wanna-a-be hunters/guides.
Keep us posted PRO, should be good times your way. Thanks for the dates, that's what I thought.
When do big bulls like this start shedding velvet, I'd be cooler to see him hard horned than velvet in my opinion.
We were down scouting last weekend and we saw some GREAT bulls, I already can't sleep worth a dang, what will I be like in a month?
It would be nice to see a general draw hunter or the sportsman's tag holder get it.
But, money seems to be a powerful thing in this business in the last couple of years.
As for the title of this post "Doyle finds a monster", I don't think Doyle was the one that found it.
I'm with you man! I hope you're buddy with the Sportsman tag or General LE hunter gets him instead of some Guide and Hunter. That would tickle me pink!! And you're right about the title, I doubt Doyle found him. Some local guy probably found him and then Doyle and his guys went looking for it.
There's no hate here! I have several good friends that guide and I'd be happy if they guided someone to that bull, just not Mossback. Every year Mossback takes huge bucks and bulls but they have this sense of entitlement that just because they have the Gov. tag they have more right to the land and animals then the rest of us. I don't hate them but I'd definetly rather see anyone else get that bull. I guess I enjoy cheering for the underdog.
This bull is legit and is quite simply AMAZING. Of course it would/will be worth a lot of money to whomever takes this incredible animal. So I suppose if someone got all uptight or have a few to many drinks things could get more interesting than one would hope for.
I just think as many people should enjoy and see this amazing animal before he hits the dirt, so I'm glad the video was posted and shared. I think more guys should share there video and photos also.
He will be on videos in the future for sure. :thumb
I drew a LE tag for this year, so I will NOT be guiding for Mossback or any other outfitters this fall. I am considering going back out on my own in 2009. xcrossx
like i said, i have only "heard " the stories. i do believe it could be people just being jeulous. hard to say, i do know that bulls is amazing!!
I know the last time my grandpa went hunting was back in the 60's. As my dad tells it, my grandpa shot a decent buck. They tracked it a ways and when they got up to it there was another hunter field dressing the animal. The other hunter claimed they shot the deer and it was theirs. My grandpa was a big man, over 6' tall and a short temper that was strong enough to remain in the family even today. He had his words with the other hunter, but never threw any punches. I cant say I'd do the same, but it made him so frustrated he never hunted again.
So, yes I do believe that people do get into fist fights on the mountain. Personally I'd be a little hessitant to get into a fight with someone carrying a gun. I hope i'd just be able to suck up my pride and walk away from it and continue on my way, but i guess it would depend on the circumstances.
killerbee, I have NEVER heard of a single 'fistfight' with a Mossback guide involved in the ruckus.
Not referring to Mossback, just general hunting. Luckily I've not been in an argument over a deer I've shot myself , but I've been with my Dad on more than one occasion when he killed deer and gave up arguing with 'crazy' guys.
as for the topic at hand i was once in the same group as most everyone else. i have even gone the rounds with pro over this same issue. but having met bart and seeing first hand how he goes about getting big bulls down with archery tackle i am convinced that this issue is nothing more than plain and simple jealousy. it is a lot of hard work to have the type of success that mossback has enjoyed. i for one wish i could make a living by doing what he does.
If anyone poaches this bull they are an FREAKING IDIOT. that bull is being watched everyday by hunters/sportsman, even if the bull is poached someone will recognize the horns configuration and bust them!!(ie FRITOS) same goes with shooting the antlers off
NONYA, for the record, I am no longer in the employment of Mossback, technically I NEVER was. I was a 'joint' operator in some guided hunts. I have guided over 200 elk hunters and 100 mule deer hunters, not a single one "just showed up and shoot their animal". Come back from La La land big talker. people make claims on here alright, but why is it that not one of them has been able to produce ONE OUNCE of proof? The 'best' will always be judged harshly, that is true in ALL aspects of life.
sO you were or u wernt,you are or u arnt?The deception continues..... :thumb
The FACT of the matter is most discussion on the "net" or forums is simply peoples opinions, every one has one and everyone is free to voice there own.
If you take the time to read this it will be more helpful to you than some of the non-sense in this thread.
Debate away, just please use this information below in doing so.
Discussion is encouraged - blatant arguing is not
If you're going to get heated about an issue, be sure to remain polite and civil. If it turns into a bashing war or flame fest, the topic will be locked and those involved may be subject to punishment. Keep it clean and respectful of those involved, please.
Are you also denying the way he runs his "hunts"?Having his employees or guys that work WITH him camp on trophy game months in advance in order to make everyone else in the state uncomfortable hunting in the area?Posting pics of trophy animals as if they are for sale?Where there is smoke there is fire and its obvious that regardless of what they have done the hunters in your state do not like this crew,they ruin the experience for some hunters,people who have to utilize public land to hunt and feel uncomfortable hunting these areas that they have claimed as their own.Of the three hunters I know that have moved here from Utah all three have a STRONG dislike for the mossback crew and have their own and many shared stories about runins with his employees.Ill take their word over that of a present/former/maybe/neverwas/sortof employee of the outfit any day.Im sure you already know more of the stories than any of us,demanding proof wont change anything,people dont like them and there are plenty of reasons why,your proof wont change a dang thing.Ethics in hunting make the experience great,he has reduced it to a buisness transaction and at the cost of many other hunters who appreciate these ethics,he has none. =;
When it comes down to it nobody knows all the cards in the deck. (meaning all the facts)
It reminds me of the statement made by Doc Holliday in Tomstone when he said "I know, let's have a spelling contest."
I have yet to see a forum where he is not confrontational. No disrespect meant Pro I am sure you are a great Guide but you have a problem with playing niceone reason I am not on other sights is you can not post without Pro taking something out of context and the fight is on.
I have the utmost respect for Brett, and I have done my very best to 'behave' on his forum. But, I will be damned if I will sit back and let people tarnish a REAL person's name and affect their ability to make a living. Legal action could be taken, but Doyle doesn't even bother reading the GARBAGE spewed on here and other forums. I get lectured on 'ethics' by a person willing to drag someone they have never met through the mud, that there is great 'ethics' don't you think?
Brett, I apologize for my part in this BS, and I feel bad for all affected by this in a negative way. You and I have had this discussion in private last year when the same BS was brought up. I guess I should learn to let people act like magpies and spread gossip w/o anyone setting the record straight. I mean, what would I know, I only have BEEN THERE AND SEEN FIRST HAND WHAT REALLY GOES ON. What was I thinking? ](*,)
Does it really matter who found this animal first?
Does it really matter who tags this animal?
I have my opinions just like everyone else but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter who found him or who bags him, and name calling and slandering doesn't solve anything. If you dont like Doyle and/or his crew then dont have anything to do with him. I may not like my neighbor but it makes more sense to just ignore him and let him do his own thing than it does to walk around the neighborhood talking smack about him and talking down to anyone who stands up for him. All that would accomplish is getting a lot of my neighbors mad at me. So rather than having one enemy, I would be surrounded by them. In what book does that make any sense at all?
As for dealing with getting run off, I can go all day telling incidents where 'locals' tried to run me and my clients off, tried to block areas from us, followed us in, there came in 'early' the next day to beat us to the spot, on and on. And I have NEVER had a confrontation on the mountain, with 'locals' or other guide services. Since I have been on these mountains since before I could drive/hunt, does that make me a 'local'? Or is that reserved for people who act like victims their whole lives?
Let's end this bickering session. 10sign:
By the way I was not going to hunt Elk for a few years because I just did not feel i had the time to scout now that i moved up north. but my buddies drew that buck bull combo now i need to get a tag to show them where i got my elk years ago. First elk rifle tag i will have bought in a while. :-k
To try and make peace with Mr NONYA, I hold NO ill toward you and I hope your hunts are enjoyable. I know I may not harvest an animal this fall on a GREAT tag, but I WILL have fun and I WILL treasure the moments spent with good friends. My biggest beef here is the accusations w/o proof and the accusations being about REAL people trying to LEGALLY make a living. Remember, if we fight amongst ourselves we make the anti's job that much easier. Have a good one.
Because last night in my dreams he was freaking huge, now if I can just locate him on the mountain and not just my dreams. lol