Draw Results

Are we not approaching the Great and Terrible Day?! [-o< [-o< [-o< [-o<
Not until late May, early June for me. (Colorado)
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We can usually see results by the 3rd week in May. Hopefully, it's the same this year.
Still over a month away in UT isn't it? WAY TO LONG
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It's always too long. After we get the tags it's an even longer wait until the season starts. ](*,)
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When will we get Utah's draw results? Nevada tells us the date it will be posted, but I can't find anything of the sort for Utah.
May 31 is the blessed day in Utah. Although as has already been mentioned you'll be able to see charges pending on your credit card earlier... May 19-ish.
Shoot, as of today the tag numbers haven't even been finalized. Seems like a cart before the horse type thing to have the application period before tags are set.
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I know why they do that in Colorado. The biologist are still figuring out the herd size, and haven't decided on how many tags a unit should have yet. I'm not sure why they can't sell the tags later, but i'm sure there's a reason for that too. Maybe.
mapleton archer
Is it just me? Didn't we used to get results earlier than this??? or am i just getting impatient with old age? #-o
"Muley Stalker" wrote:I know why they do that in Colorado. The biologist are still figuring out the herd size, and haven't decided on how many tags a unit should have yet.
Same in Utah, the post season counts come in & the DWR makes their proposals for tag numbers in March. The Wildlife Board Meeting that finalizes the tag numbers is May 1 and the final approved numbers get sent to the company that is contracted to perform the drawing.
"mapleton archer" wrote:Is it just me? Didn't we used to get results earlier than this??? or am i just getting impatient with old age? #-o
I haven't been in the game long enough to remember anything other than the current format... so it's been like this for the last 5 years or so.
I wish the drawing was done sooner... or the application period was later. But beggars can't me choosers in my case.
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The results used to come out about this time of year, but that was changed when they moved the application period back a month. So the results are now a month later, and the DWR likes to keep the money in the bank gaining interest as long as possible, which is why we have to wait a couple of months.

I personally don't mind waiting and it's nice to find out in May. Arizona releases its deer results in mid-late July so if plan on hunting an early archery hunt you already need to be scouting before you even have a tag in your pocket.
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One advantage to getting results later in the year is it's closer to the season to use that tag. :)
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az already came out a week ago
"JBird" wrote:The results used to come out about this time of year, but that was changed when they moved the application period back a month. So the results are now a month later, and the DWR likes to keep the money in the bank gaining interest as long as possible, which is why we have to wait a couple of months.

I personally don't mind waiting and it's nice to find out in May. Arizona releases its deer results in mid-late July so if plan on hunting an early archery hunt you already need to be scouting before you even have a tag in your pocket.
All you pay for when putting in for the draw is the application fee. So what money are they getting all this extra interest on?
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Hmm good question :-k bow_nut. I never really thought about that. Way back when someone told me that and I guess I just figured they were right.
I could understand that back when we had to pay up front and then wait for the refund if you didn't draw but now you only get charged for a tag if you draw is much better IMO.
Many (not all) states are required to place all pending draw money in a non-interest bearing account.......which essentially means it is impossible for agencies to "make" money from the pending draw process.